Orcs Ethnicity in Aegoris | World Anvil
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  Orcs are very aggressive creatures. They are all about conquering and destruction. They are war-nomads who are always looking for a fight. They value strength and battle skills and strategies. They give up comfort for land. They are weakly governed but still are in order. Orcs know what to do and the consequences of what not to do. They are born and die warriors. They are expected to die in battle, if orcs die of age then they are disgraces.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names


Masculine names

Borjork Shork Warspellz


Culture and cultural heritage

Orc culture consists of war and conquering. Anyone who isn't into that sort of stuff instantly becomes an outcast or is killed. If you don't agree with the group, your using up valuable resources and are no longer needed. Not being needed is an orc's worst nightmare.

Common Etiquette rules

Never invite an orc to a formal dinner or party. Orcs are notorious for having horrible manners, leaving a mess where they have came from. They always talk back (except to higher position soldiers), which often leads to brawls and fist fights. Orcs don't care if they smell or are too loud or obnoxious. If you want to complain, you better leave it to yourself or your head may get crushed.

Common Dress code

Orcs enjoying showing off their big muscles to everyone. There is no dress code for orcs, as long as you cover up your private parts, your all set to go out in public.

Art & Architecture

Orcs are the last people you will see make art. They believe that it is a waste of time. Orcs are always on the move and thus have only huts as shelters.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

During birth, a child, if male, is assigned to a squad to eventually be trained by. Each squad has a mark, and they baby is given the mark on the right of their neck. If female, the baby stays with their mother until they are of age to have a child.

Coming of Age Rites

Once a child is of fighting age (10), they leave their mother and start to train. Like bootcamp, but for a few years instead of weeks. A child is whipped into shape and prepares for battle. Women do not have official ceremonies, but mothers do hold private celebrations.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Orcs are trained with the thought that their job in life is to die for their people, and so when one falls they are left.


Beauty Ideals

Orcs focus on strength and muscle to show off and assert dominance. There is no make up or beauty products, just working out and training. Being an overweight or skinny orc makes you be seen as a disgrace to the Orc society and so don't be surprised if you get kicked out, or even worse, killed in public excecution.

Gender Ideals

Orcs prefer men that are willing to fight for their people. Any Orc who doesn't want to fight is also killed for being useless. Although body building is not common, men are still expected to work out and train everyday. Women are able to fight or stay home, but mostly prefer to stay home. Most female orcs stay home to take care of children or run the village. Normally there is a queen ruling everything and instead of a King there is the supreme general that is in charge of the troops.

Relationship Ideals

Love and attachments are not supposed to last in Orc society. There is no marriage or dating, you are assigned somebody for a month or so and then go back to doing your job.
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