Halfing Species in Acana | World Anvil
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Halflings are small demi-humans with furry feet and curly hair. Generally friendly and simple. Loves home cooking and cozy homes. Dislikes confrontation, battle and unfriendly characters. Halflings that choose travel and adventure are outliers in their race.  



Quickview Traits

Armour: Any, custom to size. Weapons: Anything except 2 handed, custom to size Inventory weight: Strenth x10 Speed: 20ft Languages: Common, halfling  


- 90% sucess rate when hiding

- Can be carried by a party member and can ride an already occupied mount. Can occupy the same space as another creature taller than 4'5"

- Other races tend to assume that halflings are simple and harmless. +2 to deception. +2 to pickpocket.

- Excellent cooks and brewers. Rations made are tastier and take less ingredients.



-Easily carried away by large creatures.

-Assumes the best in people. Easier to trick and deceive

-Due to small size, halflings have a hard time finding fit armour and weasons in non-halfing cities and towns.

-Able to carry less weight than other races.

-Easily Intimidated

Additional Information

Social Structure

Halfing don't tend to choose leaders or government amongst their own people. The follow the laws of whoever rule the land they live on and keep to themselves. The greatest among them are considered so based on cooking and/or brewing skill.

Average Intelligence

Halfings aren't less intelligent than other races, although those other races often assume so based on their simple lifestyle. Halfings also tend to struggle with emotional control. They are rarely "fine". They're either perky and content or angry and sullen, though the former is much more common.
200 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Halfings are as diverse as humans in skin tone. They generally have either blonde, light brown or red colored curly hair.

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