Ironborn Organization in Abaddon | World Anvil
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The Ironborn clan is a subservient clan of clan Bronzebeard, the reside in the warrior caste of Fenuln Dolek and are in good standing with most of the other clans.   The clan specialize in the manufacturing and use of bladed weapons, but of these the prefer beard axes and polearms.


The posses vast amount of knowledge on how to form at fit iron into bladed weapons and tools, they also have almost 100 warriors within the clan, a sizeable amount for a clan in this caste. The clan operates two mines outside of the mountain, these give the clan secondary means of income, where the main income is in the form a pay to hire their soldiers.


The clan bonded with clan Bronzebeard when the son of a branch family, named Thorbrand Ironborn married Murin Ironborn and then became the new clan leader. This changed the clans fortune that had until this point been going down, as the clan lacked the resources to renovate and keep their mines active, this was remedied when the clan affiliated themselves with the Bronzebeards as they had the kings ear and access to vast funds, from their work as master smiths.

Though as Iron

Geopolitical, Clan
Parent Organization
Related Species


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