Bronzebeard Organization in Abaddon | World Anvil
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Clan Bronzebeard is one of the head clans of Fenuln Dolek

Public Agenda

Servers as the manufacturing and economical arm of the ruling council of Fenuln Dolek, the clan is responsible for arranging for material and manufacturing of goods that the city-state then sell to other kingdoms to provide income and resources not native to the mountain that house the Kingdom.


An old clan of Dwarfs whose rise the power happen recently, speaking in dwarf culture, when the current head of the family Faffnir Bronzebeard returned from adventuring with a mate and what seemingly was magical ability to craft metal. Appointed by Motsognir Fireheart to take the place of his recently deposed Forge Master, this action jumped the humble and relatively small clan into prominence as one of the most powerful in the dwarven kingdom of Fenuln Dolek.
Successor Organization
Family Leader
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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