Rune Magic in Aareth | World Anvil
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Rune Magic

"Use this magic to do good, never to harm." - an echo of the the First  


  The people who practice Rune Magic are called Runemages, or singular Runemagus. Within their group, Runemages often refer to themselves as simply mages (singular magus). Of all the races, only humans have found a way to utilize this magic, and believe themselves to be the only ones who can ever use it. All humans have the capacity to become a mage, however many never become good due to the dedication, devotion, and time it takes. Some also just don't have a talent for it.The elite, or Grand Runemages, are only elite because they have dedicated their life to the mastering of Rune Magic.  

Becoming a Rune Magus

  While all humans can use Rune Magic, it must be awoken in them through training, meditation, and finally, a meditation ritual that lasts four days and four nights, where the prepared humans commune with who they believe to be the First.  


Runemagic has a large variety of uses, from powering simple cleaning spells to running a flying ship.

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