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Northern moorgrass

Northern moorgrass is a species of tall grass found commonly on the Northern moors of northern Ecleinia. It is a hardy species, well known for the durable fibers the plant produces. It is a critical plant in the moorland ecosystem, with many animals consuming it, and it being a plant that filters groundwater, keeping it pure. Additionally, the people of northern Ecleinia have a variety of uses for the plant- the stalks can be cooked to produce a hardy, healthy meal; the fibers are used in clothing and to make durable cloth and clothing; and the genetics of the plant were used as one of the sources of the lifesaving extreme anti-microbial medicines that are common on Aarde.   The plant itself exists with several other species of life on the moors. However, it also dominates massive tracts of land, such as the Waving Sea, where it exists for hundreds of miles. It has evolved over time to survive harsh life on the moors- the plant has a high heat resistance, conserves water extremely effectively, is durable, and reproduces via both sexual and asexual means.   Strains of it have been domesticated, such as Northern sweetgrass. These have a better flavor than the common moorgrass, and can also produce juice. Some strains even produce fruit. These domesticated strains are then used to make various culinary products, including garnishes, wines, beers, and a wide variety of other products. Other strains, like Tallrikarfiberen, are simply used to make food. Particularly popular are riced moorgrass, moorgrass salads, and using moorgrass to wrap other vegetables and foods. It can also be eaten plain. Regular, non-domesticated moorgrass can be eaten as well.   Bailey Tracker grew a fondness for moorgrass salads over time, and it was one of the foods he always keep onboard his freighter, the Kolibri, and in emergency situations. Taylor Candeth and Jessica Colwick also had a similar taste for the grass.

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