The Wild Hunt (London) Tradition / Ritual in A Quiet Ghost's Chronicle of Darkness | World Anvil
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The Wild Hunt (London)


It was only ten years after the Freehold was founded that the Hobgoblins began to get, for lack of a better word, uppity. Blind Joe was still King, then, and it was after a particularly egregious assault of a Spring Courtier at the local market that he had had enough.

The war horn was sounded, Fae mounts were bridled, and the Summer Court set off on their first Wild Hunt. But not their last.


The Wild Hunt begins in the pre-dawn hours, with the participants gathering in a hollow owned by the Summer King or one of Summer's Knights.

Once everyone has assembled, the King splits the group up into smaller units, each led by himself or a knight. By the time this has been accomplished and supplies have been parceled out, the King declares a number of targets for each group. Generally, these targets are icons belonging to members of the court or Freehold, or hobgoblins who have been recognized as a particular threat. Of course, should any given group stumble on something else worthy of note they are encouraged to handle it as they see fit.

Units are generally given similar or shared tasks, with the idea that they will compete with and, if necessary, aid one another.

Then, the hunt is off and participants head off into the Hedge until their task is complete. The originating Hollow is used as a base camp for hunters to return to if wounded or in need of rest.

Components and tools

There is no real standard for equipment among the Summer Court, even for something as important and organized as The Wild Hunt, but this tends to be the time when Summer brings out the big guns. Many of the Summer Court see it as an opportunity to show off with flashy new tokens and contracts.


Every member of the Summer Court is required to attend the Wild Hunt, and those other Changelings of the Freehold in good standing are invited. The participants are split into units, each led by Knights or the King.


The Iron Spear holds a number of unofficial rangings into the Hedge throughout the Summer (and, unless forbidden, year 'round), but the Wild Hunt takes places on the first day of August every year. The Wild Hunt has been known to last as long as a single day to the full month.

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