Rowan Steel Master of Coin Character in A Quark in the Timeline | World Anvil
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Rowan Steel Master of Coin

Master of Coin Rowan Steel (a.k.a. Ox Arm)

Told the players:   "I believe I could use your help. The Wood Cutters Guild has been struggling to deliver their goods on time. Please investigate the cause as it's causing a strain on our working relationship. As always, nothing comes for free. I would like to offer you each 400 GP to sort this issue out."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thick tanned arms lead to a barrel chest. Years of hard work in the Wood Cutters Guild has turned his body into a muscular intimidation size. Known for showing up to work every day and never getting sick.   Confident in all things physical.

Apparel & Accessories

Always wearing various jewlery

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Known as "Ox Arm" from his youth. It's rumored that he chopped down 20 trees in an hour when he was only 16.


Contacts & Relations

Ties run deep all over Hedron.

Social Aptitude

Highly charismatic Amus knows how to control a room and is a master at identifying what makes people tick.

Hobbies & Pets

Micro-dragon named Felix. If it curls up, it fits into the palm of his hand. He found it in his gold pouch one day clutching a single gold piece, and it refuses to let go. Can produce a small flame.

Wealth & Financial state

Second richest mand in Murray. Second only to King Elrond Eddington
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Dark Green Squinty
Gray hair of shoulder length and a braided beard that ends at his belt
4' 10"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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