15th realm of secrets Berlintini I's Great War of Coalition
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Berlintini I's Great War of Coalition

Military action


The massive war that was fought in the East Hu-Balai that completely overthrew the balance of power in the region.

This war started when Arquado invaded Bashur and put Do-Han Ashawa as a puppet king instead of Yu-Mai Ashawa. He invaded Bashur because Do-Han Ashawa asked Arquado to put him on the throne instead of Yu-Mai Ashawa for the gift of crucible steel and becoming a Berini vassal. This request was forwarded to Berlintini I of Berin who commanded Arquado to embark on the campaign because he understood the value of good steelworking and that better steel would greatly improve the Berini empire's infrastructure. It Culminated when Berlintini I and the members of the EHBDP and the Great Khan of the Fifth Khaganate and the Dalkndalk of of the unified kingdom as well as the kings of Aurukshuk and Shayanaha signed a treaty in Mankito to end the war. During the war the Berini forces made it as far north as Shi and were winning the war against the less cohesive EHBDP forces when the Aurukshukan and the Shayanaha assumed command of the coalition and coordinated everything so the superior technology they had could really shine and deliver a killing blow against the Berini. The death of Arquado and the appoitment of Falbi Sholo who dialed down the Fabian tactics played a major part. The Aurukshukan brought over the brontodragon Auranadolmit to help in a few key battles. In the final four years of the war The Guntartars of the Fifth Khaganate joined in and attacked Berini supply lines and warehouses as well as sparking mutinies and rebellions in the relatively newly conquered Berini territory. Yu-Mai Ashawa took advantage of the situation and retook Bashur and deposed her uncle in 189 A.B. Bashur served as a military launching pad for the remainder of the war because of it's major and well fortified harbor that was on the south side of the Gulf of Shuban.

Related Location
East Hu-Balai region
Related timelines & articles
Berini Timeline (article)
Berinus Dynasty (article)
World Timeline
Life of Yu-Mai Ashawa (article)