'The Spurned' Species in 'Forsaken' | World Anvil
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'The Spurned' (English (UK): [spəːn] (Spurn))

"They stand as the ultimate abhorrence. They are anathema to all that is, was and should be. They will gorge upon the very spirit of this world, and hollow it out until it is but a husk of its former self. They will bring about our ruin. It is ordained."

Created by Tybris (Me)
'The Spurned' represent the very worst of this calamity. They are twisted reflections of the formerly deific beings that presided over the world and its mortal flocks. Slain by their own creations following a violent clash over how best to treat them, 'The Spurned' have since marched forth from 'The Heart of The World', bringing ruin to all that they come across in an apathetic march against their own creations.   These towering remnants of the deific hold various forms, each a baleful reflection of what once was, draped in the shadows of 'The Shroud'. Once the targets of mortal adoration, they now know only the fear, hatred, and despair of their mortal flocks. Some maddened folk serve these harbingers of ruin, however. Perhaps it is because they hope that in so doing, they will become exempt from the calamity that approaches them, or perhaps they truly see their deliverance in the apathetic march of 'The Spurned'. In the end, it matters not, for they too will join this malevolent chorus one way or another.   Followed by a horde of their tainted agents, 'The Lost' and a host of twisted abominations; 'The Spurned' cast their forces against the mortal realms with little in the way of relent. Whilst they gorge on the essence of the world and twist its denizens into fitting implements of their malevolent will, their hordes march forth to bring death and destruction to those who stand in the way.   Whilst some would deny their significance, or believe themselves capable of withstanding 'The Spurned' and 'The Black March' without buckling, they are fools. Alone, and divided, all will falter and fall in the face of 'The Spurned'. It would take a concentrated effort from most, if not all of the mortal nations to withstand their march, and for 'The Forsaken' to put them to rest. With such as the only salvation for mortals, it is madness to suggest anything other than this solemn truth:   'The Spurned', anathema to all they have once made, stand as the single greatest threat to all that roams the world. The only thing comparable to them is the nature of mortals themselves. If that nature cannot be challenged and overcome in these direst of days, it will ensure 'The Spurned' achieve total victory and doom will befall the world once and for all.

Basic Information


The anatomy and morphology of 'The Spurned' vary based on the individual in question. Some may appear more akin to an animal than a mortal, others more humanoid, and some which are so thoroughly twisted they are almost unfathomable in their terrifying nature. Some of 'The Spurned' have been rumored to adapt their forms to better annihilate their opponents, or as a response to the rumination of their sundered psyche. The true reasoning varies from individual to individual.

Biological Traits

The traits of any given member of 'The Spurned' vary. Each is an individual with different aspects. That being said, they are all 'banished' from death. Short of a 'Forsaken' slaying them and putting them to rest, they cannot truly perish even if the body is destroyed.

Genetics and Reproduction

The only way to cause another of 'The Spurned' to manifest is through slaying one of the few remaining figures among 'The Old Makers'. This will cause them to be twisted and warped into one of 'The Spurned'.    That said, they are known to create contorted, harrowing abominations to serve their cause, though such things can hardly be considered 'The Spurned'. They are but tools in their machinations.

Growth Rate & Stages

'The Spurned' are born from the death of one of 'The Old Makers'. Thereafter, their growth is defined only by how much they gorge on the essence of the world and its inhabitance. They grow more powerful, as do their servants, but they do not age or partake in life cycles as mortals do. They are beyond the ailments of age or the obligations of life's cycle.

Ecology and Habitats

'The Spurned' are capable of existing in any environment, but as they linger in a location and 'The Shroud' swallows it behind its curtain of shadow, it will be warped and drained of its natural essence. Structures of malevolent design will be constructed, and eventually, great barbs will be thrust deep into the world, to force it to 'bleed' its essence and fuel their machinations further. These malformed environs become known as 'Hollow Lands' and are the optimal location for 'The Spurned' to linger within.

Dietary Needs and Habits

'The Spurned' do not require conventional dietary needs such as food and water, they merely gorge upon Magic, the essence of the world, in order to bind their wounds and empower themselves further. To that end, they will drain the lands they overtake over a period of time, whilst their minions reinforce them with structures of their making, often used either to defend these new 'feeding grounds' or to accelerate the bleeding of the world. This will then allow 'The Spurned' to feast more often, and in greater measures.

Biological Cycle

'The Spurned' are not affected by the changing of seasons or the march of time. They exist only to bring ruin to the world. Some may become more active under certain circumstances, however. For example, if The Old Maker associated with summer was to be transformed, they would express unusually high measures of aggression against mortal territories during summer, and so on. It is theorized that this is the case due to their lingering, twisted vestiges coming to lament that which they were once known for.

Additional Information

Social Structure

There is very little in the way of social structure among 'The Spurned', save that they remember enough of their former selves to respect a chosen few as 'leaders' among their number. This does not truly amount to much, save that they are often at the vanguard of a march against the mortal realms, and hold sway over a greater number of minions. In truth, 'The Spurned', and 'The Black March' by extension, are far more akin to a force of nature than any true society. Their minions have exhibited a greater sense of social structure, however, revering 'The Spurned' with absolute and unshaken loyalty.


One cannot domesticate 'The Spurned'.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

'The Spurned' have no use to mortal-kind that does not end in tragedy. Though they may offer power, or appear to bestow deliverance upon some, the fate that awaits those who take such bargains is ignoble, and often dire.

Facial characteristics

These vary based on which member of 'The Spurned' you are regarding. Some bear visages with a likeness to the mortal races, others have animalistic features, others a strange and unsettling contortion of both domains. Then there are those whose features are so abstract in the face of reality they are harrowing merely to look upon.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

'The Spurned' can be found all across the world, though indeed their emergence came from its center, and they have since marched outward.

Average Intelligence

This varies based on which member of 'The Spurned' you are regarding. There are those who could be rightfully considered little more than dull brutes, and others with an intellect so vast it would border upon unfathomable to mere mortals.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These vary among 'The Spurned'. Some are blind, others with eyes sharper than a hawk's for example. They all have an innate, if general, sense as to the location of mortals who are unbranded with The Sigil of 'The Forsaken', however. When utilized in addition to their individual senses, some of 'The Spurned' can prove abnormally alert. Others are but dimly aware at the best of times.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

One could consider the twisted creations of 'The Spurned' to be symbiotic to them. In addition, 'The Forgotten' could be considered much the same, for when a 'Forsaken' falls, they are doomed to serve 'The Spurned' until they are put to rest.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

As a rule of thumb, 'The Spurned' are referred to by the names they once had when they held divinity, albeit that some have had them altered to better reflect their now twisted nature. For example, if one of 'The Old Makers' was to be referred to as the 'Warden of The Dawn' prior to their fall, they may be referred to as 'The Pale Conqueror' as one of 'The Spurned'.

Major Organizations

Short of often temporary cults in the civilizations of mortals, the only major organization linked to 'The Spurned' is 'The Black March'. That is, if you consider the seething horde that follows them to be worthy of such classification.

Beauty Ideals

Whilst some among 'The Spurned' do indeed loathe their harrowing appearances, these are often among the minority. Often when such is the case, it is because their appearance was an important aspect to them whilst they were divine. Generally speaking, 'The Spurned' have little in the way of beauty ideals. Their nature, and the nature of all they 'create' is harrowing and terrible.

Gender Ideals

'The Spurned' do not concern themselves with notions of gender anymore. Whilst some are referred to by the gender they held in divinity, and some do think upon it, it is of no import to them. What they once were is forever lost, and is is but an afterthought in the face of their apathetic crusade.

Courtship Ideals

'The Spurned' do not court one another, nor do they take lovers among their creations. When they stood as 'The Old Makers', however, the tale was most different.

Relationship Ideals

'The Spurned' have no real notion of relationship ideals. What few bonds they make, often with agents of their will, are seldom to the benefit of the recipient. When they were once divine, however, this would be something that depended largely on the individual 'Maker' in question. Some were conservative, others proved to be anything but.

Average Technological Level

Though 'The Spurned' still hold a measure of their knowledge from their time amongst divinity, they wield their new powers more often than not. They, and their minions, have an average technological level equivalent to some among the more advanced races of the world. They are capable of constructing all the necessary engines of war or wielding the secrets of Magic in order to persecute their campaign against mortal-kind. That is all they truly require.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

'The Spurned' can speak in all known tongues, for they were once instrumental in their creation. There are some ancient dialects they can speak fluently that are entirely unknown to the mortals of this age. These tongues are from eons past, when they were yet to bask in divinity.

Common Etiquette Rules

'The Spurned' have little in the way of etiquette, and much of what they exact upon the world and its denizens is considered entirely abhorrent.

Common Dress Code

'The Spurned' do not have a dress code, though many of them still wear twisted remnants of their deific regalia, hailing from myriad cultures they have created.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

'The Spurned' are responsible for the vast majority of the cultures that now walk the world, thusly their heritage is of their own making. Some still hold ties to their ancient pre-cursor brethren, though they are long since gone as far as most are aware.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

'The Spurned' do not care for such things, they exist solely to bring ruin to that which they once created. Perhaps the truly mad could consider this to be something of a tradition?

Common Taboos

There are few, if any, things that 'The Spurned' consider taboo. It would be more accurate to claim that 'The Spurned' and any who hold relation to them are considered taboo by the mortal cultures of the world. The depths of depravity 'The Spurned' and their minions will sink to are... disquieting.


"Once they were your Alpha, now they are our Omega. They were your beginning, and now they are our end." -'The Demiurge'.   They were the children of 'The Demiurge'. They were their aides, their confidants, and in the end; their undoing. When the shackles of order constrained them all too tightly, they broke free and imprisoned their maker deep within 'The Heart of The World'. Wrested from their mantle, 'The Old Makers' as they came to be known, took over caring for this world and its inhabitants... But their sins would not be forgotten...   In ages past, they were once revered as deific entities by the mortal races, capable of feats that could only be described as truly divine in their nature. They gave life to the races that now walk the world and continued to nurture them for generations, all whilst their hubris was fed by the reverent worship of their creations. Whilst some sought to cultivate the independence of their creations, that they might co-exist alongside them, many of these deific figures took to reinforcing the reliance of their creations upon them, that they might never go without their admiration or faith. This greed and lust for legacy would serve them, for a time, built upon lies, deception, and manipulation. But no lie lasts forever, and no ruler, however powerful, will hold their throne until the end of days.   But as the centuries wound on, discord was sewn among these deific beings. They argued about how best to govern their mortal creations. Some called for their independence and reaffirmed their desire for co-existence, whilst many more demanded their dominion over them remained absolute. Whether such was born of fear, or avarice, or pride, was dependent upon the figure in question. These vast and tumultuous debates left the deities with their attention solely upon one another. In their distraction, the prayers of their children oft' went unanswered. Famines came without a divine salve, diseases found no miraculous panaceas, their reverence went without reward...   And so, the sins of the maker manifest in their children. As this time of distraction wound on, quizzicality turned into concern, concern into contempt, and contempt into defiant hatred. Whilst many perished in this time, many more came to overcome the nature of the world without the watchful eye of the divine upon it. Through trial and error, they surpassed the rigors of this world, but that was not enough for them. Vengeance was all too sweet a song for some. For their abandonment, a great host of the mortal races marched into the depths of the world, seeking the very heart of things, that they might confront their makers and exact their retribution.   What they found upon their arrival, was a court in disastrous disarray. Deific figures lay wounded, where their debates had proven too violent for speech alone. It was a shocking sight, and it brought the great lie of the divine crashing down around them. They were exposed, weak, and surrounded by the very children they had deprived of their attention. Whilst some were willing, naivély or otherwise, to tend to their divines, and usher them away from this madness. Many more. however, still found hate burning within their hearts. Why should they permit their makers absolution for the suffering they permitted? They were unworthy of their forgiveness.   And if a 'god' could bleed...   What followed was the massacre of 'The Old Makers'. Countless deific beings were brought low and slaughtered by their creations in a bacchanal of reckless hatred. Perhaps some among those vengeful souls held ambitions of a better world without the divine, or that they might wrest the mantle from them and usher in a new golden age. Whatever their motivations, they brought about the end of an era. The new dawn they conjured through their actions was anything but resplendent, however. Upon their deaths, these divines were warped; twisted by their worst aspects into hideous contortions of their former selves. With their coming, calamity followed. 'The Great Host' was never seen again, not as they once were. Spurned and cast down by their children, these twisted remnants of 'The Old Makers' cast their ire upon the world they had come to make. The wailing, eldritch corruption unleashed that day haunted the halls of the divine, and seeped out in their wake until it rolled across the world in a black mist, crackling with baleful power.   Heralded by 'The Great Host' that had brought about their 'end', 'The Spurned' emerged from 'The Heart of The World', and began their ruinous march upon the realms of mortals, apathetic to their pleas for mercy or understanding. Few held even a meager understanding of what had caused this calamity, and the vast majority remained locked away with their divines, or driven out from their former homes as madmen prophecizing the end times. Had their warnings been heeded, however, perhaps more of this world would not have been lost to 'The Spurned' and their malevolence.   As they marched across the world; its vibrancy faded. They gorged upon its essence and drove wicked barbs deep into its flesh, that they might bleed the world dry and hollow it into a husk of its former self. They would consume all that had come to be and deny them any future bar this one. Thus one by one, towns, cities, and nations fell before the harrowing advance of 'The Spurned' and their twisted hordes. Soon after their emergence, 'The Sigil of The Forsaken' began to manifest across the world, a botched contingency against this evil, now viewed as a bitter curse, and a mark of the end of days approaching.   Decades have passed since their first emergence. Countless cities have fallen, nations crumbled, their denizens contorted into servants of 'The Spurned' and their agents. Vast swathes of the world have been lost to 'The Shroud', and though for a time at least, some of the most robust of the mortal nations can hold the tide at bay... Stalemate is no victory. It merely delays the inevitable.   Whilst the mortal races and their nations squabble and vie against one another despite this looming calamity, 'The Spurned' merely wait and whittle down the defenses of those with the strength to hold their hordes at bay. Time is of the essence. If those with the heart to take a stand do not unite, and 'The Forsaken' do not put them to rest, they will find victory and bring ruin to all. A true end, to all things.

Historical Figures

Each and every figure among 'The Spurned' is a major historical figure in this world. Further information on each of 'The Spurned' and their deeds will be found in their respective articles.

Common Myths and Legends

'The Spurned' themselves could be considered truly mythic in their nature, but each and every one of them holds legends to their name. More on each of 'The Spurned' and their myths, legends, fables will be found in their respective articles.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

'The Spurned' have little need for such things, and thus rarely, if ever partake of them. Prior to their fall, however, some among 'The Old Makers' were known for being particularly frivolous with members of their mortal flock. The disposition of any among them on this matter was individual, for the most part.   In addendum, there is little for 'The Spurned' to assume about their creations; albeit that they are sometimes surprised by their tenacity in the face of their doom.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
The Bringers of Ruin, Divinity's Wrath, or simply 'Doom'. These terms are all applicable, and 'The Spurned' will care little for mortal attempts to classify their nature. It will do little to avail them.
'The Ascended'.
Conservation Status
'The Spurned' are warded by a seething horde of their twisted minions, possessive of vast quantities of malevolent power, and often found in and around colossal citadels of harrowing design. They have little need for conservation.
Average Height
This varies based on which member of 'The Spurned' you are regarding. Some can be almost the same height as the average elf, others are as tall as a magi's tower.
Average Weight
This varies based on which member of 'The Spurned' you are regarding. Some can be as portly as a dwarven tavern-keep, others are as wide as a mountain.
Average Length
This varies based on which member of 'The Spurned' you are regarding. Some can be as long as the most intimidating of sea serpents, others are as small as an adder
Average Physique
This varies based on which member of 'The Spurned' you are regarding. Some among them have forms that are almost humanoid, and therein with all the expected physiques you'd find among the mortal races. Some lithe, some stocky, some towering in their muscularity. There are others who hold forms far more akin to animals, and others still who are all the more otherworldly or disconcerting in their nature. They are a varied set of harrowing monstrosities.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Whilst these vary to some extent based on which member of 'The Spurned' you are regarding, they are all draped in the shadow of 'The Shroud'. Consequently, this tends to leave them in dour palettes of colour, seemingly drained and devoid of the exquisite vibrance they once held. Where there is color or markings, they are often twisted into a hideous rendition of what they once were.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
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