The Ravings of Benter Brixlethrush | Generic, Text | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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The Ravings of Benter Brixlethrush

Benter Brixlethrush was a halfling who should have been a small part of a small window of history. But instead, he was lost in the Relles Sea , his ship capsized and the currents carried him away to certain doom. Although he was never recovered, somehow a journal of his visions appeared as though out of the sky.

Many of his minor visions have proven to be true. Which offers some concern for what the majority of his foresight tells. He recounts visions of a world in which Setebos has consumed everything. They tell of the end of times, but in such a chaotic and at times contradictory way that most believe it must be mad rantings. And yet, the small prophecies all come true. It might not be unreasonable to fear that one day Setebos will be freed of his prison in The Place Between Places and everything will be destroyed.

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Generic, Text
