Half-Giant | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase +1 con, +1 str, +1 any
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Variants -

Hill Giant -

Hill Giants Greed - when you consume food, if its cooked you can heal a d8, if uncooked you can heal a d6, you can use this a number of times per rest equal to your level+prof   Hill Giants Weapons - you being part hill giant allows you to use the terrain to your advantage, you can use fell trees as great clubs, and rocks as clubs

Fire Giant -

Fire Giant Nature - you have resistance to fire damage, you can also create weapons and armor using metal materials during a rest, if you have the materials to do so   Fire Giant Blood - since fire giants are known conquerors and soldiers, you gain proficiency in intimidation and simple weapons

Frost Giant -

Frost Giant Nature - you have resistance to cold damage, and are unaffected by extreme cold weather.  

Stone Giant -

Stone Camo - you have advantage on stealth checks made in rocky terrain   Natural Artisan - during rests you can carve stones to make vases, jars, weapons, ammo, and the like

Cloud Giant -

Cloud Giant Nature - you have resistance to thunder damage   Cloud Giant Practices - you can cast fog cloud once per day, at 5th level you can cast feather fall once per day, and at 15th level you can cast control weather once per day.  

Storm Giant -

Storm Giant Nature - you have resistance to lightning damage, and can breathe air and water   Storm Giant Practices - you can cast detect magic a number of times per day equal to half of your proficiency bonus. you also learn the cantrip "light"

Cyclops -

Cyclops Nature - you have disadvantage on perception checks that rely on sight of a distance more than 25ft away, you also have natural armor equal to 12 + your constitution mod

Troll -

Natural Weapons - you can use your claws as a bonus action to deal 1d4+str mod damage, you can also add your str mod to accuracy (you are proficient with these).   Regeneration - when you are reduced to 0 hit points and knocked unconscious, you stabilize yourself, and return to one hitpoint (you remain unconscious for 1d4+1 rounds) you can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half your proficiency bonus.

Languages. giant

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