Jonah Three-Rivers | Verum Character Sheet | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Jonah Three-Rivers

Variant Human Race
Gravewatcher Origin
Cleric 12 Class & Level
Neutral Good Alignment
Oun Deity
Great Coven Faction
Member Rank/Position
11 Loyalty
The Cordially Invited Company

Strength 14
Dexterity 10
constitution 20
intelligence 12
wisdom 20
charisma 12
Total Hit Dice 12
Hit Die
+4 proficiency bonus
+2 Strength
+0 Dexterity
+9 Constitution
+1 Intelligence
+9 Wisdom
+5 Charisma
saving throws
+0 Acrobatics
+5 Animal Handling
+5 Arcana
+2 Athletics
+0 Deception
+1 History
+9 Insight
+0 Intimidation
+1 Investigation
+5 Martial
+9 Medicine
+1 Nature
+5 Perception
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+5 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hands
+0 Stealth
+5 Survival

Attunement Slots
Armor Class
Hit Points
Staff 1d20+6 1d8+2
Spell 1d20+9
Simple weapons, heavy armor, shields, Arcana, History, Insight, Medicine, Religion, Woodworkers tools, cooking utensils, alchemy kits, herbalist kit, flute, lute
0: Light, Sacred Flame, Guidance, Mending, Thaumaturgy, Mage Hand (L), Prestidigitation (L), Chill Touch (I), Toll the Dead (I)
1st: Bless (D), Cure Wounds (D), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Inflict Wounds
2nd: Lesser Restoration (D), Spiritual Weapon (D), Aid, Hold Person, Silence, Protection from Poison, Gentle Repose
3rd: Beacon of Hope (D), Revivify (D), Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word, Spirit Guardians, Remove Curse
4th: Death Ward (D), Guardian of Faith (D), Freedom of Movement
5th: Mass Cure Wounds (D), Raise Dead (D), Greater Restoration
6th: Heal, Word of Recall
The Daydreamer's Staff:
Mundane Effects:
This staff can either be used as a holy symbol of Oun, or an arcane focus.
Magical Effects:
Whenever you would hardcast a spell that deals radiant damage while using this staff as a holy symbol/arcane focus, it does an additional die of damage.
If you were to use a spell that deals necrotic damage, while attuned to this item all damage is turned into radiant instead.
Band of Blessed Regeneration
While wearing this ring, your Wisdom score is increased by 2, to a maximum equal to your ability score cap. Additionally, you gain the following benefits:
Hold Fast. When you restore hit points to a creature with a spell, they reduce all damage they take by an amount equal to the slot level expended until the start of your next turn. This is applied after resistance.
Medic’s Decree. When you hard cast a spell that would restore hit points with a duration of Instantaneous, increase the die size by 1, to a maximum of d12.
Stalwart Healer. When you hard cast a spell of 2nd level or higher that restores hit points to another creature, you are under the effects of the Death Ward spell until the end of your next turn. Death Ward can only trigger twice in this way before you finish a long rest.
Points of Light
Magical Effects
While attuned, your Constitution score increases by 3, to a maximum of 20, changing as your ability score cap increases. Additionally, you gain the following benefits:
Beacon of Life. As an action, you can select any number of friendly creatures within 30 feet of you. For 1 minute, when a target would regain hit points from a roll and the result is below the average, the result becomes the average. This ability refreshes on a long rest.
Briar Fortress. When a creature makes a melee attack against you, they suffer 1 bleed damage at the start of each of their turns. This effect is cumulative.
Healing Catalyst. These vestments have 4 charges, which can be used to cast a spell of 1st level or higher that would restore hit points to a target. If you do so, expend a number of charges equal to the level of the spell slot desired. A spell cast in this way is considered to be hardcasted. You regain all charges when you finish a long rest.
Radiant Synergizer. When you hardcast a spell that deals radiant damage, you deal an additional 1d6 radiant damage.
Thorn Barricade. While wearing these robes, you have an AC of 18, regardless of what kind of armor you are wearing. You still benefit from the AC bonus of shields while your AC is increased in this way.
This lantern casts bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. However, only you, undead, and creatures with fewer than 20% of their maximum hitpoints can see the light. As an action, you can snuff out the lantern.
If you let go of the lantern while it is lit, it floats in the air 5 feet behind you and follows you as you move.
While the lantern is lit, you appear as undead to divination effects and know the Chill Touch and Toll the Dead cantrips.
Ode to the Fallen
The ring holds 4 charges. While worn, you can spend a charge as a bonus action to roll a 1d4. Add this number rolled to one ability check of your choice that you make before the end of your turn. You can use this ability before or after you make the ability check. The ring regains two charges after you finish a long rest.
The Unwavering Eye
You may attach this gem to your barbed brass ring. Once you do so, only you may wear the ring to gain the following benefit: You gain advantage on Insight checks.
Bag of Money-Holding
A Bag of Holding for wealth
Crafting Tokens: 9
Great Coven
Mad Man
Stat Array
Human Feat: War Caster
4th level Feat: Tough
8th Level Feat: Resilient
12th level ASI: +1 Con, +1 Cha
Title - Veteran
This title allows you to use special items, access specific missions and grants you one free "knowledge" check on an enemy you face, once per battle. This free check is considered to be a moderate success.
Blessing of the Patrons: Members of the Great Coven learn two Warlock Cantrips of their choice. These cantrips cannot be retrained, and are lost when leaving the Great Coven, or when falling out of favor of the Witches’ Council. These cantrips use the Witch or Warlock’s highest mental stat. (Mage Hand, Prestidigitation)
Warded Ring: The Coven Member's Barbed Brass Ring is upgraded and imbued with protections against madness and similar effects. While wearing the Ring the Coven member gains advantage on all saving throws made against Madness, Fear, Charm, Domination, and other mind altering effects.
Class/Racial Features & Traits

The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

Statblocks for your spells.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

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Statblock Type

Verum Character Sheet
