Amulet of the Forest | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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The 5 Shudake

Amulet of the Forest

Wondrous Item


Ancient forest spirits may bestow this amulet to a hero of defended the natural balance. While wearing the amulet, you can se your action and touch one of the six animal figuriens to gain a spirit blessing for the next 24 hours as described belw. While blessed, you manifest random physical characteristics of the spirit that helps you. You can only gain the help of one spirit at a time.


you have advantage on Strength checks and your size increases by one size category.


You have advantage on all dexterity checks and your movement is increased by 10ft


You have advantage on Constitution checks and saving throws, and any hit die you spend heals you for the maximum amount of HP.


You have advantage on Intelligence checks and you Automatically succeed on intelligence saving throws.


You have advantage on wisdom saving throws and you can't be charmed.


You have advantage on Charisma checks and you can use your action to cast Charm Person (dc15) on every humainoid of your choice within 15ft at your will. If a target succeeds the save, they become immne to this effect for the next 24 hours.

Cost: 4500gp

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