Elior's Tarot Deck | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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The 5 Shudake

Elior's Tarot Deck

Wondrous Item

Rare Divination

Secrets.: When you finish a long rest, you may perform a reading of yourself and up to three other willing friendly creatures. Each creature that you perform a reading for caings one secrets counter. Secrets counters are lost after 24 hours. A creature can expend a secrets counter and add 5 to one ability check, attackroll, or saving throw it makes. The creature must choose to do so before the roll.

Legacy of elior You can cast the Divination spell as a ritual spell. The tarot decides and provides the answer through the cards.

Like most tarot cards, each card is decorated with vivid art depicting its meaning. the deck is boud by a green ribbon with a circular glass gem.

Cost: 60gp

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