Serpent's Servant | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Serpent's Servant

Wondrous Item

Very Rare

Wearing this gives the ser darkvision and a +5 to their walking speed. The user can also morph into a constrictor snake once per day for up to 3 hours.

Don't Read This Bit. Im Serious
Note to the DM: The snale speaks to the user in their mind, slowly trying to tempt them to find more of these items. If all 3 are found and within 30ft of eachother, the items will combine and spawn a monstrous snale that will attack the party

A thick jade band or gauntlet that wrapps around the arm, engraved to look like a snake of sorts.

Cost: 248gp

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