Attacks on Smith & Robards Airship Line | Adventure Hook | Savage Worlds | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Rumor: Attacks on Smith & Robards Airship Line

Source: Rumor that might be heard in the Diamondback, Jumping Jack Saloon, or Silver Palace.

"Y'all know about the airship line that Smith & Robards is startin' up soon to travel right quick between Denver and Shan Fan? Seems like the rail barons ain't none too pleased with S&R gettin' in the mass transit business. They are hirin' the most low-down of brutes to put the screws to S&R so those airships go up in flames," says one cowpoke. I betcha S&R wouldn't mind some able bodies to help that line get started and protect it from them greedy barons.

Adventure Contact: estarrion

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Savage Worlds

Statblock Type

Adventure Hook
