Minotaur | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase +2 Str, +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.

Age – Minotaurs mature at the same rate as Orcs and can live for up to 250 years.   Alignment – Most Minotaurs lean toward lawful alignments.   Size – Minotaurs average over 6 feet in height, and they have strong, stocky builds. Your size is Medium.   The Labyrinth – Minotaurs have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to avoid getting lost and are immune to the Maze spell.   The Sin of Tyre – Minotaurs have a deep hatred of arcane magic, they rage against it whenever possible. Minotaurs can add their Strength modifier to Intelligence and Charisma saving throws.   Astaroth's Chosen – The god Astaroth in a rare moment of compassion, with assistance from Cassius, released the Minotaurs from the terrors of the wizard Tyre. In return the Minotaurs are blessed with some of the two deities divinity. Minotaurs automatically succeed on non-contested Strength checks with a DC of 20 or below to break their chains or the chains of others. They have advantage on all other Strength checks.   Menacing – You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.   Hybrid Nature – You have two creature types: humanoid and monstrosity. You can be affected by a game effect if it works on either of your creature types.

Languages. ​​​​​​​You can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.

Created by

Van Epselonoric.

Statblock Type

