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General Talents

Astral Arms: You can expend 1 psi point to create psionic constructions serving as additional appendages. These arms last for 10 minute. You determine the arms appearance, and they vanish early if you are incapaciated or die. While you have these arms, you gain the following benefits:
  • They serve as as a natural weapon you can make unarmed attacks with, using your Intelligence in place of your strength for attack and damage rolls. They deal 1d6 force damage on hit.

  • You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Strength modifier when making Strength checks and Strength saving throws.

  • You can expend 1 psi point to make a single unarmed strike with this arms as a bonus action. You can use psionic mastery on this.

Aura Sight: You gain the ability to psionically see a creature's aura. As an action you can spend 1 psi point you can determine if a creature of your choice within 30 feet is under the influence of magic and what school it is, or if a creature is under the influence of psionics. A shape shifter or disguised creature makes a Charisma (Deception) check against your Psionics save, on failure you can see their true nature in their aura.
Controlled Power: You gain the ability to suppress the glow and somatic component of a Psionic Power. You can expend 1 psi point to use a power without a visual sign or somatic component. Each time you do this, the cost of doing so doubles until you complete a short or long rest.
Empathy: You can psionically link yourself to other creatures. As a reaction to a creature taking psychic, necrotic, or radiant damage you can grant them resistance to the damage taken, but take damage equal to the damage they take (after resistance). If the damage would inflict any further negative status effect on the target, you can choose for that effect to affect you instead.
Mind Rider: As an action, you can touch a willing creature to see through its eyes and hear what it hears for the next hour, gaining the benefits of any Special Senses that the creature has. During this time, you are Deafened and Blinded with regard to your own Senses. You can end this effect at any time. While this is active, the creature has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
Potent Psionics: When a target passes the saving throw against a damaging Psionic Power (granted by a Psionic Discipline), they still take half the damage, but suffer no other effects.
Psi Crystal: You gain the ability to impart part of your mind into crystal. You can expend 2 psi points to cast the Find Familiar spell but your familiar takes on the statics of a psi crystal (below) and the material component required is a crystal worth 10 gp. The Psi Crystal gains your mental stats and a portion of your personality. When you cast the spell, choose a mental state: Courage, Cowardice, Sympathy. The crystal takes on additional characteristics marked by the chosen state, which also determines some of the traits in its stat block. You can use Psionic Disciplines without a range of Self through your Psi Crystal is if you were standing in it’s location. If the psi crystal is destroyed, you gain its memories as your own.

Psi Crystal (small)
AC: 12 + Psi Points HP: Spellcasting modifier + Psi Points x 10
Str 1 (-5) Dex 10 ( + 0) Con 10 ( + 0)
Speed: 30 ft, Hover 60 ft Blindsight 60ft
Skills: Perception +4 Vulnerable: Bludgeoning Resistance: Piercing, Slashing.
Immunity: Blind, Charmed, Deafened, Fear, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poison, Stunned
Flyby (Cowardice Only): The crystal doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy’s reach.
Light of Hope (Courage Only): The crystal shines with 30ft of bright light and 30ft of dim light, and all saving throws against the Frightened condition within it’s bright light have advantage.
Interception (Sympathy Only): The crystal uses it’s reaction to block a blow from a target within 5ft. If the roll would hit, force the attacker to reroll, and take half of the attacks damage.
Psionic Defenses: Prerequisite: Enhancement, Precognition, Telekinetic or Telepathic Discipline
You gain a way to defend yourself using your psionic powers. This can be done via Enhancement (increasing your durability and agility), Precognition (avoiding attacks that you should be unaware of), Telekinetics (redirecting attacks that would hit you) or Telepathy (affecting creatures that would try to attack you). While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 13 + your Intelligence modifier.
Psionic Weapon: As a bonus action, you can expend 1 psi point to imbue a weapon you are holding with psionic energy. For 1 minute, once per turn when you deal damage with that weapon, you can deal an additional 1d6 psychic damage. At higher levels you can expend additional psi points to further enhance the Psionic weapon; 2 points to enhance it 2d6 at 5th level, 3 points to enhance it to 3d6 at 11th level, and 4 points to enhance it to 4d6 at 17th level.
Visionary Sight: You no longer need to see targets of Psionic powers, so long as they are within range and you know where they are. Being unable to see an attacker no longer grants them advantage against you, and you do not suffer disadvantage attacking unseen targets.
Divided Strike: Prerequisite: 5th level, Enhancement, Precognition, Telekinetic or Telepathic Discipline
You can attack with a weapon twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You also increase your movement speed by 5ft.
Mind Devourer: Prerequisite: 5th level Psion
You gain the ability to cast Psychic Drain for 2 psi points. Additionally, whenever a creature within 10 feet of you that had an Intelligence score of 6 or higher dies, you can expend your reaction to draw in its psionic power, regaining 1d4 hit points and 1 expended psi point.
Schism: Prerequisite: 5th level Psion
You can spend a psi point to temporarily subdivide your mind to do two things at once until the end of your turn. While are dividing your mind, if you use your action on a psionic power or spell granted by a Psionic Discipline, you can use your bonus action to use a psionic power. The two powers share your per use psi point limit between them.
Awaken Mind: Prerequisite: 9th level Psion
You gain the ability to cast Awaken without expending a spell slot. Once you cast this spell in this way, you cannot cast it again until you complete a long or short rest.
Dreamwalker: Prerequisite: 9th level Psion
You gain the ability cast Dream. You can cast the spell without expending a spell slot, but once used cannot cast it again until you complete a long rest.
Perfect Focus: Prerequisite: 10th level Psion
You can enter a state of extreme focus. Your concentration is no longer interrupted by using a second ability that requires concentration, but your movement speed is reduced to zero while concentrating on more than one effect you have a -5 penalty to any concentration check. If you move or fail a concentration check, one of your concentration effects ends. If fail the concentration check by 5 or more, you lose concentration on both effects.
Transcendent Focus: Prerequisite: Perfect Focus
While in a state of perfect focus (concentrating on two spells), you gain a magical flying speed of 10 feet instead of a movement speed of 0 feet. Moving with this speed does not interrupt Perfect Focus.
Divided Mind: Prerequisite: Divide Self Spell Known
You can sustain your Divide Self spell by one additional round by expending 2 psi points at the start of your turn.

Enhancement Talents

Enhanced Regrowth: Prerequisite: Enhancement Discipline
You gain the Cure Wounds spell for 1 psi point. You can cast it at a higher level by spending additional psi points. You can cast it a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you cannot cast it again until you complete a long rest. When you cast cure wounds on a creature, you can use Enhancing Surge on the target creature has a bonus action.
Physical Surge: Prerequisite: Enhancement Discipline
When you are under the effect of Enhancing Surge, you can choose to make your Strength or Dexterity ability score equal to your Intelligence modifier ability score until the start of your next turn.
Surging Power: Prerequisite: Enhancement Discipline
When you target only yourself with Enhancing Surge, you can use the power as a bonus action instead of an action, but the damage and temporary hit points the base power grants are reduced to 1d4 when using the power this way.
Tranquil Meditation: Prerequisite: Enhancement Discipline
When you take a short rest and expend hit dice, both you and that takes a short rest within 60 feet of you regains additional hit points equal to the number of hit dice you expend + your intelligence modifier.
Body Control: Prerequisite: 5th level Psion, Enhancement Discipline
You gain the ability to use your Alter Self ability at-will without expending psi points. Additionally, you can cast Enlarge/Reduce on yourself for 1 psi point instead of two.
Metamorphosis: Prerequisite: Body Control, Enhancement Discipline
The Mutate and Polymorph spells are added to your Enhancement Alternate Effects list. Unless you know it from another source, you can only target yourself when casting polymorph.
Transcendent Life: Prerequisite: 9th level Psion, Enhancement Discipline
The Mass Cure Wounds and Reincarnate spells are added to your Enhancement Alternate Effects list. Reincarnate requires its normal material components when cast this way.

Nullification Talents

Disruptive Strength: Prerequisite: Nullification Discipline
You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of Strength for Grapple checks involving a target of Denial or Disruptive Touch. Additionally, targets you are grappling have disadvantage on the saving throw against your Disruptive Touch or Denial Power.
Iron Templar: Prerequisite: Nullification Discipline
You gain proficiency with medium armour and shields. If you already have proficiency with medium armor, you gain proficiency with heavy armour and shields. You can perform somatic components for psionic powers with a hand carrying a weapon. Additionally, when you hit a creature with an melee weapon attack or with a spell attack with the range of touch, you can use your Denial power as a bonus action targeting that creature.
Magical Anathema: Prerequisite: Nullification Discipline
You gain resistance to damage dealt by spells or magical effects. The effect of all magical healing effects (including healing potions) on you is halved.
Magical Resistance: Prerequisite: 9th level Psion, Nullification Discipline
You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Deadspot: Prerequisite: 15th level Psion, Nullification Discipline
You gain the ability to expend 8 psi points to cast Antimagic Field. Once you cast it this way, you cannot cast it again until you complete a long rest.

Precognition Talents

Glimpsed Future: Prerequisite: Precognition Discipline
When you use the Seeing Discipline with yourself as the beneficiary, you can use it as a bonus action. When you use Seeing as a bonus action in this way, it doesn't grant additional damage to the attack, or reduce damage taken when hit.
One-Step Ahead: Prerequisite: Precognition Discipline
When you are subjected to a saving throw, can expend 1 psi point and glimpse into the feature. You know what the effect you saving against is if it is a Spell or Psionic effect as if you passed an Arcana or Psionics check against it. Additionally, can add your Intelligence modifier to your saving throw against it regardless of it’s nature.
Conduit Beyond the Veil: Prerequisite: 5th level Psion, Precognition Discipline
You can cast Speak with Dead at will. The subjects of the spell cannot be hostile to you and cannot tell you of past events. They can merely speculate on future events using the knowledge had in their lifetime.
Precognitive Dreams: Prerequisite: 11th level Psion, Precognition Discipline
When you finish a long rest, your dreams have prepared you for the day to come. Upon waking, you issue reassuring words and advice to your companions to help them survive the day, giving them temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier. During the next 24 hours, you cannot be surprised.

Projection Talents

Imaginary Mount: Prerequisite: Projection Discipline
You gain the ability to cast Phantom Steed. You do not need to expend spell slots or psi points to cast it, but cannot cast the spell again in this way until you complete a short or long rest. Casting this spell while an astral construct is active ends the astral construct power, and casting astral construct during the Phantom Steed duration ends the Phantom Steed spell.
Life Link: Prerequisite: Projection Discipline
When a solidified construct takes damage, you can choose to take that damage yourself instead. You have resistance to the damage taken (This feature also applies to corpses used for Unlife Wielder).
Matter Made Real: Prerequisite: Projection Discipline
You gain the ability to turn your mental projections into real objects, you can cast Fabricate and Wall of Stone expending psi points equal to the spell level.
Projected Weaponry: Prerequisite: Projection Discipline
When you project a weapon with your Project Item feature, it gains the following benefits:

• You can project it as a bonus action and you can project up 3 weapons or pieces of ammunition at the same time.
• You are proficient with any projected weapon.
• It is no longer restricted to a maximum of 3 feet when it takes the form of a weapon (for a medium sized creature).
• You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls with it.
• If it has the thrown property, it's throwing range is doubled. If it does not have the thrown property, it gains the Thrown (10/30) property.
• You can apply the Astral Construct modifiers Grow and Sustain to projected weaponry. Grow adds 1d8 to the weapon's damage dice. You can expend Psionic Mastery on these modifiers.
Astal Swap: Prerequisite: Projection and Transposition Disciplines
As an action, you can expend 1 psi point to swap places with your Astral Construct. You can expend 3 psi points to cause the effect of Exploding Phase Rift where you or your Astral Construct arrive.
Unlife Wielder: Prerequisite: Projection Discipline and able to cast one Necromancy spell of 1st level or higher
While you have a psionic charge, you can invest into a corpse, bringing it to a state of unlife piloted by one of your Projections. It has all the abilities of your Projection, but cannot use the Relocate or Solidify abilities (since it is already Solidified). It acts on its own initiative immediately after your turn, and has an AC of the corpse it inhabits. It's unlife fades at the end of your next turn unless you expend a psionic charge or psi point on your next turn (no action required) to continue its animation for an additional round. You can spend psionic mastery points on this.
Unlimited Imagination: Prerequisite: Shaper Subclass
When you manifest a construct, you can select all two options from Boundless Imagination.
Animated Projections: Prerequisite: 5th level Psion, Projection Discipline
As an action, you can project a swarm of ethereal creatures. You can cast expend 3 psi points to cast Fiendish Portal but it creates ethereal creatures instead of fiendish ones.
Projected Nightmares: Prerequisite: Shaper Subclass and Projection Discipline
You gain an additional option for Boundless Imagination to apply to your Astral Construct:

  • Horrifying Nightmare: Creatures that start their turn within 5 feet of your Astral Construct must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Psionics DC or become Frightened of your Astral Construct until the start of their next turn.

Once they have saved against this, they are immune to the effect for the next 24 hours or until you summon a new Astral Construct.
Corpse Puppetry: Prerequisite: 9th level Psion, Shaper Subclass and Projection Discipline and Unlife Wielder
While you have manifested in a corpse, you may make Deception and Performance checks to pretend the target is alive. Use Intelligence instead of Charisma for skill rolls versus targets Wisdom (Insight).

Psychokinetic Talents

Elemental Aegis: Prerequisite: Psychokinetic Discipline
As an action, you surround yourself with a swirling shield shield of fire, ice, or lightning. You gain temporary hit points equal to your Psion level. Creatures that strike you while you have these temporary hit points take 1d4 damage of the shield type chosen. You can use this ability three times, you regain expended uses of this ability on a long rest.
Elemental Penetration: Prerequisite: Psychokinetic Discipline
When you use a psionic power that deals elemental damage, you can expend 1 psi point to make the power ignore resistance to that elemental damage damage type. You can spend psi points granted by Psionic Mastery on this ability. If you have a specialization of Psychokinetics, if the target has immunity to the damage type chosen, this instead turns immunity into resistance for that power.
Emotive Elements Prerequisite: Psychokinetic Discipline
The powers you wield effect your state of mind, empowering you based on how you wield them. When you deal elemental damage, you gain the related mental property until the start of your next turn;
  • Cold: You can add 1d4 to Wisdom saving throws.

  • Fire: You can add 1d4 to Constitution saving throws.

  • Lightning: You can add 1d4 to Dexterity saving throws.

If you are specialized in an element, you can instead add 1d6.
Manifested Emotions Prerequisite: Psychokinetics, Elemental Emotions
You can manifest your emotions into elemental powers that take shape in the material realm. While you are in an elemental emotion, you can expend 2 psi points to cast Summon Elemental as a second level spell (outside of it's normal cost). The summoned creature is not a true elemental, but a construct of your strongest emotion. You can expend additional psi points to increase the power of the summoned creature.
Empowered Strike: Prerequisite: Psychokinetics or Telekinetics Discipline
Once per turn, as part of making a weapon attack as part of the attack action, you can empower a melee weapon you are holding with psionic power. When you hit a creature with a weapon, you can apply Elemental Blast or Telekinetic Force modifiers (you can only select a power you know) to the attack (you can use Psionic Mastery on this). This does not deal the base damage of the power, but any added damage causes the additional effects of the power damage effects to occur. When applying a modifier that would make it target an area of effect, only the target takes the weapon damage, but other creatures in the radius become a target of the attack as if using the power normally.
Elemental Penetration: Prerequisite: Wu Jen Subclass
When you use a psionic power or spell that deals elemental damage, you can expend 1 psi point to make the power ignore resistance to that elemental damage damage type. If you have a specialization of Psychokinentics, if the target has immunity to the damage type chosen, this instead turns immunity into resistance for that power. You can spend psi points granted by Psionic Mastery on this ability.
Elemental Shield: Prerequisite: 9th level Psion, Psychokinetic Discipline
You gain the ability to cast Fire Shield without expending psi points; if you have a specialization, it’s damage type matches your specialization. Once you cast it this way, you cannot cast it again until you complete a long rest, or you must spend 4 Psi Points to cast it again early.
Propelled Bound: Prerequisite: Telekinesis or Psychokinetic Discipline
When you move on your turn, you can expend movement, up to 20 feet, in single bounding leap, propelled by telekinetic power or psychokinetic force.

Telekinesis Talents

Empowered Strike: Prerequisite: Psychokinetics or Telekinetics Discipline
Once per turn, as part of making a weapon attack as part of the attack action, you can empower a melee weapon you are holding with psionic power. When you hit a creature with a weapon, you can apply Elemental Blast or Telekinetic Force modifiers (you can only select a power you know) to the attack (you can use Psionic Mastery on this). This does not deal the base damage of the power, but any added damage causes the additional effects of the power damage effects to occur. When applying a modifier that would make it target an area of effect, only the target takes the weapon damage, but other creatures in the radius become a target of the attack as if using the power normally.
Kinetic Slam: Prerequisite: Telekinesis Discipline
When you use the Telekinetic Force power, you can unleash it as a blast of kinetic power. You can use your power as a ranged psionic attack (applying damage and effect on hit). You can only select the Hammering modifier when you use it in this way.
Propelled Bound: Prerequisite: Telekinesis or Psychokinetic Discipline
When you move on your turn, you can expend movement, up to 20 feet, in single bounding leap, propelled by telekinetic power or psychokinetic force.
Telekinetic Barrier: Prerequisite: Telekinesis Discipline
You focus your telekinetic power spreading it thin to create a large barrier. Expending 2 psi points, you create a wall of weak telekinetic force up to 40 feet long, or as a 15 radius around you. This barrier is visible as small objects hover and float within it. If you create it around yourself, it moves when you move. Ranged attacks that pass through this barrier are made with disadvantage as their trajectory is deflected. You can maintain this barrier by concentrating, as if concentrating on a spell, for up to 1 minute after creating it.
Telekinetic Movement: Prerequisite: Telekinesis Discipline
You can expend a psi point to gain 10 additional feet of movement and the effect of Spider Climb, Feather Fall, or Levitate until the start of your next turn. At the start of your next turn you can expend a psi point to maintain the effect before it would end.
Telekinetic Weapons: Prerequisite: Telekinesis Discipline
You gain the Telekinetic Weapon psionic power as part of your Telekinetic Discipline (in addition to your other psionic powers), giving the ability make an Attack action using ‘Telekinetic Hands’.
Mental Might: Prerequisite: 10th level Psion, Telekinesis Discipline
You learn to focus your mental grip. You can make an Intelligence (Athletics) check when you make an Athletics check. Additionally, when you initiate a Grappled in this method, you can attempt to Grappled a creature within 30 feet. Maintaining a Grappled like this requires Concentration, as if concentrating on a spell, and the Grappled ends if concentration is lost.
Tantrum: Prerequisite: Manipulator Subclass
Your anger boils just beneath the surface. When you roll initiative, you can instantly increase your rampage die by one step (from a d4 to a d6, for example). Additionally, if you take damage while your rampage die is a d6 or lower, your rampage die increases by one step.

Telepathy Talents

Empathy: Prerequisite: Telepathy Discipline
You can psionically link yourself to other creatures. As a reaction to a creature you can see within 120 taking damage you can grant them resistance to the damage taken, but take Pyschic damage equal to the damage they take (after resistance). The damage you take cannot cannot be reduced in any way. If the damage would inflict any further negative status effect on the target, you can choose for that effect to affect you instead. If you have a telepathic bond with the creature taking damage, the range is unlimited and you do not need to be able to see them.
Consuming Link: Prerequisite: Telepathy Discipline
You can target a creature that is charmed or frightened by you with Telepathic Intrusion as long as they are within 120 feet. You do not need to be able to see the target when targeting them in this way and the target has disadvantage on the saving throw against Mind Telepathic Intrusion.
Forceful Thinker: You gain the ability to force more harmful thoughts into your enemies minds. The spells Mind Spike and Tasha's Mind Whip are added to your Telepathic mastery alternate effects list.
Mental Image: Prerequisite: Telepathy Discipline
You gain the ability to use your Telepathy to project images into the minds of creatures with perfect clarity, interposing it over their reality. The spells Silent Image, Major Image, Hallucinatory Terrain, and Seeming are added to your Telepathic mastery alternate effects list.
Mental Influence: Prerequisite: Telepathy Discipline
You specialize in the subtly touch, picking stray thoughts and soothing concerns without overtly intruding upon a mind. You gain expertise the Persuasion skill, though you are reduced to normal proficiency against creatures that are immune to mental influence or Charmed (such a creature under the effect of mindblank).
Reflected Agony: Prerequisite: Telepathy Discipline
When a creature within 120 feet that you can see deals damage to you you can use your reaction spend 1 or more psi points (up to your psi limit) to share the pain you experienced back at them, dealing 1d10 psychic damage per point spent. The damage this deals cannot exceed the damage taken from the attack.
Skill Thief: Prerequisite: Telepathy Discipline
After using a Telepathic Intrusion on a target, you can gain one skill, tool or language proficiency that creature has until the end of your next long rest. You can gain a number of proficiencies equal to half of your proficiency bonus, if you would gain an additional proficiency from it beyond that, the first one you gained is lost.
Telepathic Link: Prerequisite: Telepathy Discipline
Your telepathic communication gains an unlimited range as long as you have communicated with the creature within the last day, and the target willingly maintains the link. However, it takes an action to focus to communicate over distance if you cannot see the target (or for the target to communicate with you if they cannot see you). You can maintain a link with a number of people equal to your Intelligence modifier in this way.
Tactical Opening: Prerequisite: Telepathy Discipline, 5th level Psion
You can communicate the opening a creature to your allies. When a creature fails a saving throw against your Telepathic Intrusion, you can take the Help action targeting that creature as a bonus action, helping another creature that you can telepathically communicate with. When you take the Help action in this way, the range of it becomes 30 feet.
Hungering Namer: Prerequisite: Telepathy Discipline, 9th level Psion
You have learned how to attack creatures through use of modified Onomancy, as well as literally consume people's thoughts through the brain-matter to better find names. The spells Consume Mind and Raulothim’s Psychic Lance are added to your Telepathic mastery alternate effects list.

Transposition Talents

Lingering Rifts: Prerequisite: Transposition Discipline
When you use Phase Rift you can choose to leave a 5 foot wide tear in reality behind, forming a line between your starting location and ending location. Any creature that enters this area for the first time or ends their turn in it must make a saving throw against the effect of Phase Rift as if they’d been hit by it.
Phase Shroud Prerequisite: Transposition Discipline
After using Phase Rift, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Proficiency bonus + the psi points spent on the power.
Phase Slash: Prerequisite: Transposition Discipline
When you use your Phase Rift power, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action against a target you pass through with your Phase Rift. You can spend 1 or more psi points to make an additional attacks as part of the same bonus action, but can only attack a creature as you pass through them once per Phase Rift.
Phase Shot: Prerequisite: Transposition Discipline
When use your Phase Rift power, you can instead empower a piece of ammunition to deal an additional 1d8 force damage, and it can be fired through all cover, including total cover, that is less than 4 inches thick. Additionally, applying Phase Rift modifiers gain special effects:
  • Disruptive: The attack deals an additional 1d8 force damage on hit.

  • Blurring: You can roll an additional attack roll per die spent, selecting the highest roll.

  • Long: The effective range of the attack is increased by 10 feet per point spent.

  • Echoing: A second projectile is created on firing, using a separate attack roll.

  • Ethereal: The attack can travel through up to 10 feet of cover.

Flickering Escape: Prerequisite: Transposition Discipline, 11th level Psion
Whenever you roll a d4 for flicker, you can teleport 5 feet after the attack resolves.
Astal Swap: Prerequisite: Projection and Transposition Discipline
As an action, you can expend 1 psi point to swap places with your Astral Construct. You can expend 3 psi points to cause the effect of Exploding Phase Rift where you or your Astral Construct arrive.
Perfect Echo: Prerequisite: Resonator Subclass
You have perfected the appearance of your Psionic Echo, so much that you are visibly indisguishable. Creatures can attempt to differentiate you with a Wisdom (Insight) roll against your Psionic Save DC.

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Statblock Type

Generic, Text
