Staff of Pelor | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Staff of Pelor

Wondrous Item

Legendary Requires Attunement

The Staff of Pelor is a golden rod. On one end, the staff is pointed and sharp - could be used as a piercing weapon (1d6 piercing damage + 1d4 radiant damage). On the other end, the staff has an orb with Pelor symbol chiseled into it. When holding the staff, the wielder feels warmth within themselves and are able to remain calm in any situation - giving the holder advantage on all Charisma checks. The Staff of Pelor is completely made of gold, but a cleric or paladin could sense the divine energy flowing through the orb at the top of the staff.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d6 piercing damage + 1d4 radiant damage None

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