Elemental Sword of Water | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Elemental Sword of Water



  • Water Jet: As a bonus action, the user can cause the sword to have a thin magical stream of high-velocity water go around the blade. The next attack will grant a +3 bonus to hit and to damage. However, the user will have disadvantage on Dexterity saves while active.
  • Aqua Jet: As an action, you can launch a blast of high-pressure water in a 15ft cone in front of you. All creatures in range must make a DC-14 Dexterity save or be launched back up to 30ft. This recharges after 2 rounds after the initial release.

A longsword with a center fuller that glows with a faint blue aura. Upon activation, the sword begins to form streams of super high-velocity water around the blade. The streams are powerful enough to cut most metals. The blade itself is metallic-blue and the hilt is made up of steel and a special leather for the grip.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1D8 / 1D10 Slashing

Cost: 1500 gp
Weight: 3lb

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