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Rogue, Wizard 13/12 Class & Level
Thief Background
Half Orc Race
Chaotic Good Alignment

Strength 8
Dexterity 20
constitution 20
intelligence 25
wisdom 12
charisma 14
Total Hit Dice 25
Hit Die
+8 proficiency bonus
+0 Strength
+14 Dexterity
+14 Constitution
+16 Intelligence
+2 Wisdom
+3 Charisma
saving throws
+21 Acrobatics
+1 Animal Handling
+23 Arcana
+7 Athletics
+9 Deception
+7 History
+1 Insight
+10 Intimidation
+22 Investigation
+1 Medicine
+7 Nature
+1 Perception
+2 Performance
+2 Persuasion
+7 Religion
+21 Sleight of Hands
+21 Stealth
+1 Survival

Armor Class
Hit Points
+1 Dark iron Short sword+141d6+7
Black rose+141d4+6
Poison dagger+141d4 +6
+2 Short bow+151d6 +7
The Arcane Separator+151d4+7

Heroes Enabled

The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

World of Aloth

The Arcane Separator


Very Rare Requires Attunement

Finesse, Light, Range, Thrown

This dagger is made from a dark iron handle with a silvery steel blade imbued with arcane manipulated dementrium. The weapon was created to counter mages. It was originally created and owned by the mage hunters during the time of Thornheart.

You have a +2 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls made with this weapon.

Arcane Cut: When you hit a creature with this dagger you can decide to activate the arcane cut ability. The creature is then forced to make a saving throw using their spellcasting ability against a 18 DC. On a failure, the spellcaster takes an extra 2d8 force damage and can not cast a spell for one minute. At the end of each of the target's turns they can make another saving throw. On a success, the target can cast spells as normal. On a successful save the target takes 2d8 force damage. This ability is recharged after a short or long rest.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Melee 1d4+2 Piercing 20/60

Cost: 35 000gp
Weight: 1lb

+1 Wand of the War Mage


Uncommon Requires Attunement

While you are holding this wand, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls. In addition, you ignore half cover when making a spell attack.

Cost: 750 gp

World of Aloth

The Piercing Injector


Rare Proficiency with poisoner’s kit Requires Attunement

Magical, Light, Loading, Range

The Piercing Injector is a masterpiece when it comes to alchemical and mechanical wonder. This hand crossbow is a powerful weapon in any gifted alchemist’s hands. Originally invented by Doctor Traymester in an effort to inject his enemies with deadly poisons and venoms without risking his well being.

Duplicating Formula: The hand crossbow can be loaded with one vial of poison or venom as an action, while in the crossbow the poison does not go bad and has the same lifespan as if in a vial. The poison or venom loaded into the crossbow has two uses instead of one as the crossbow magically duplicates parts of the poison.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d6+1 Piercing 30/120

Cost: 5 000gp
Weight: 4lb

World of Aloth

Cloak of The First Snow

Wondrous Item

Rare Requires Attunement

Winter’s Embrace: When you are attuned to this cloak you are resistant to cold damage and you can tolerate temperatures as low as –50 degrees Fahrenheit without any additional protection. If you wear heavy clothes, you can tolerate temperatures as low as –100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Gone in a flurry: When attuned to this cloak you can spend a bonus action that causes a flurry of magical snowflakes to swirl around you as you move. No attack of opportunity can be made against you whilst this is active, and if a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack they take 1d4 cold damage. This effect lasts for 3 rounds and can be used up to 2 times per day.

Cost: 7000 gp
Weight: 7lbs

World of Aloth

Combustion Boots

Wondrous Item


Lift-off. Whenyou are standing on solid ground, you can use a bonus action to actiavte these boots. When you do, you launch up to 45ft in a vertical line upward. After using this feature, you can not use it again for 1 minute.

Absorbing Soles. While wearing these boots you do not suffer any falling damage and land on your feet when falling 60ft or less.

Cost: 500gp
Weight: 5lb

World of Aloth

The Weave Separator

Wondrous Item


The Weave Separator is a marvel of both technology and arcane magic. It is a powerful device capable of disconnecting a spellcaster from the weave permanently. The Separator is a complicated syringe-like device holding a special concoction. To be used the weapon must first be prepared which takes an action. To inject the concoction into a creature an attack must be made wielding the Separator. A creature with proficiency in martial weapons has proficiency with the separator.

A creature injected with the concoction must make a constitution saving throw DC 30 or take the effects of the Separator. On a successful save the concoction is wasted and the creature resists the effects. On a failed save the creature can no longer cast spells or use other magical abilities. The creature loses all magical abilities and any magical effects the creature was under ends immediately. The creature can also not benefit from magical items or activate any magical items. No spell or divine intervention can reverse the effects of the Weave Separator as the creature loses all connection they once had to the weave.

Cost: Priceless
Weight: 6lb

World of Aloth

Wand of Magic Detection



This wand has 30 Charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the Detect Magic spell from it. The wand does not regain charges and when all charges are used the wand becomes dust.

Cost: 250gp

DnD 5e SRD

Dragon Slayer Shortsword



Magical, finesse, light

You gain a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls made with this Magic Weapon.

When you hit a Dragon with this weapon, the Dragon takes an extra 3d6 damage of the weapon's type. For the Purpose of this weapon, "dragon" refers to any creature with the Dragon type, including Dragon turtles and wyverns.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d6+1 Piercing

Cost: 3500gp
Weight: 2lb

World of Aloth

Mask of Vergunaamuranth

Wondrous Item

Rare Requires Attunement

This magical mask is an old artifact of the queen of Vacerak Vergunaamuranth that was worn by her champions during her rule. The mask is imbued with some of her powers and was made with inspiration from the much more powerful dragon masks of Tiamat.

Damage Absorption. You have resistance against poison damage. If you already have resistance to poison damage from another source, you instead have immunity to poison damage. If you already have immunity to poison damage from another source, whenever you are subjected to poison damage, you take none of that damage and regain a number of hit points equal to half the damage dealt of that type.

Water Breathing. You can breathe underwater.

Cost: 4000gp
Weight: 0,5lb

DnD 5e SRD

Candle of the Deep

Wondrous Item

Common Requires Attunement

The flame of this candle is not extinguished when immersed in water. It gives off light and heat like a normal candle.

Cost: 25gp

World of Aloth

Boots of Haste

Wondrous Item

Very Rare Requires Attunement

While you wear these boots, you can use a bonus action and click the boots’ heels together to cast the Haste spell on yourself without the need for concentration. The boots cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Cost: 12 500gp
Weight: 4lb

DnD 5e SRD

Ring of Fire Resistance

Wondrous Item

Rare Requires Attunement

You have resistance to fire damage while wearing this garnet ring.

Cost: 4500gp

Charm of Deception

Adventuring Gear

Rare Requires Attunement

This amulet of deception is meant to ward off any creature that would attempt to scry upon the wearer. While attuned to the charm you know when someone targets you with the scrying spell and you know the name of the caster. You can decide if the spell is successful or if it fails, alternatively you can choose to give the caster a false vision of where you are and what is happening for the duration of the spell.

Cost: 3000gp

World of Aloth

Anti-Life Bomb

Wondrous Item


The Anti-Life Bomb is a dangerous item from the old kingdom of Vacerak created by Protentius Wickward as a last resort against any invading armies. The bomb is extremely lethal and expensive to make. The bomb was never used and there were only a few ever made.

To arm the Anti-Life Bomb the user must spend 1 minute activating it and succeed on a DC 20 arcana check to arm it properly. Once it is armed it can be activated as an action or dearmed by the person who armed it or a dispel magic cast at 5th level. The bomb can be activated manually or mentally only by the person who first armed it. It takes an action to set it off both manually or mentally, to set it off mentally a person must be within 1000 feet of it. Once blown every creature within a 150 feet radius must make a Constitution saving throw DC 17. On a failed save any living creature that is not a construct or undead is instantly killed. On a successful save the creature only takes 10d10 poison damage and 10d10 necrotic damage.

Cost: Priceless
Weight: 6lb

World of Aloth

Spellwrought Tattoo of Life Transference

Wondrous Item

Uncommon Requires Attunement

This tattoo set contains a magical needle imbued with the magic needed to make a permanent Spellwrought Tattoo. The tattoo is a permanent appliance once created. To create the tattoo the set requires 500 gold worth of any one type gem dust that is consumed while applying the tattoo, the gem dust also dictates the color of the finished tattoo. To apply and create the tattoo a person must be proficient in making tattoos and have some semblance of knowledge of the arcane, an ordinary tattoo artist will not cover the requirements. It takes 1 hour to create the tattoo and it covers either half a limb or the scalp.

The spellwrought tattoo allows you to cast the spell life transference once per long rest requiring no material components. Once the spell is cast it can not be used until you finish a long rest. Unattuning from the tattoo makes the magic go dormant, and the tattoo appears and behaves as if it were a mundane tattoo. You can reattune to the tattoo at a later time, reactivating its magical properties.

Cost: 500gp

World of Aloth

Collar of Silence

Wondrous Item


This collar is made from silver and dark iron and has inscriptions carved into it. The collar is clean and beautifully made. It was created by the drow to silence slaves, but its greatest use was to stop spellcasters from speaking.

A creature can attempt to force the collar around the neck of another creature which is being grappled This requires another grapple contest against the creature. The collar then locks around the creature’s neck if it is medium or small or small creature. After it is locked around a creature's neck it must be activated by making an Intelligence (Arcane) check DC 17.

Once activated, the creature wearing the collar is unable to speak, and can’t cast spells with verbal components. Additionally any creature with a breath attack or similar abilities can not use them while the collar is around their neck. The collar can be unlocked by the person who activated it by making the same Arcane check or with the help of Thieves Tools. To unlock the collar with thieves tools a person must succeed on a DC 25 check.

Cost: 3 000gp
Weight: 5lb

World of Aloth

Nir’Myar House Insignia

Wondrous Item

Rare Requires attunement by a member of house Nir’Myar

A drow house insignia is an item that denoted an individual noble drow’s allegiance. They were used by nobles holding the noble family name, which meant that they were either born into the family or held a rank in it. This specific insignia belonged to the house Nir’Myar.

The Insignia has 7 Charges for the following Properties. It regains 1d6+1 expended Charges daily at dawn.

Spells: While wearing the Insignia, you can use an action to expend some of its Charges to cast one of the following Spells from it, using either your spell save DC and spellcasting ability or the Insignia’s which has a DC 15 and a +7 to hit: Shield (1 charge), Spider Climb (2 charges), Hold Person (2 charges), blur (2 charges), Geas (5 charges).

Cost: 7 500gp

DnD 5e SRD

Ring of Water Walking



While wearing this ring, you can stand on and move across any liquid surface as if it were solid ground.

Cost: 500gp

DnD 5e SRD

Periapt of Wound Closure

Wondrous Item

Varies Requires Attunement

While you wear this pendant, you stabilize whenever you are dying at the start of your turn. In addition, whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, double the number of hit points it restores.

Cost: 500gp

World of Aloth

Venthir Blood Toxin



This poison is imbued with a special toxin often made by the venthirs in the hopes of countering or disabling other venthirs who have strayed far from their path. The toxin disables their innate magical abilities along with weakening them.

A blood hunter who is injected with the poison must make Constitution saving throw DC 22. On a failed save the creature loses all abilities given by their class and subclass, they also gain disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success. On a successful save the creature resists the effects of the poison.

Cost: 2500gp

DnD 5e SRD

Absorbing Tattoo (Fire)

Wondrous Item

Very Rare Requires Attunement

Damage Resistance. While attuned to the tattoo, you have resistance to fire damage.

Damage Absorption. When you take damage of the chosen type, you can use your reaction to gain immunity against that instance of the damage, and you regain a number of hit points equal to half the damage you would have taken. Once this reaction is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Cost: 10 000gp

DnD 5e SRD

Spellwrought Tattoo (Reincarnate)

Wondrous Item


This Spellwrough tattoo allows you to cast the reincarnate spell once per long rest requiring no material components. When you cast reincarnate in this way, its casting time is an action instead of 1 hour.

Cost: 5000gp

World of Aloth

Echo Ring of the Raven


Very Rare Requires attunement by the first venthir who wielded it Requires Attunement

Echo rings are unique magical rings only worn and made by the venthirs of Durveina. They look simple in design as they are only a thick silver ring with a symbol on them, often of an animal, but they are still powerful and worth more to venthirs than any amount of gold. The symbol is called an echo and represents the person’s personality or reflects upon something that has happened or will happen. Some say the rings guide their bonded venthir through a hint of mysticism and intelligence, their potential is unknown and some rings have grown to become more powerful with time.

Echo rings can only be attuned to by the venthir who first wore the ring and created the echo. If the venthir perishes or does not wear the ring for a long amount of time, the ring becomes docile and can not be detected as magical. While you are attuned to the ring, it will alert you to certain things by lighting up the echo symbol and giving a slight vibration. The ring lights up when within one mile of another venthir and you know their exact location while within a mile, and it will light up red if the venthir is badly hurt or incapacitated. If a venthir dies, all other echo rings will light up. The ring also warns you of dangers, you have advantage on initiative rolls, you cannot be suprised while you are conscious and the ring awakens you naturally if combat begins while you sleep.

Echo of the Raven: Those under the raven echo often have great insight, cunning and foresight. Some are also devoted to the Raven Queen. You gain advantage on death saving throws. You can cast find familiar once per long rest requiring no material components. The familiar can only take the form of a raven, you also gain advantage on Wisdom (insight) checks while the raven is perched on your shoulder.

World of Aloth

Qarste’s Shard Dagger


Very Rare Requires Attunement

magical, thrown, finesse, light

This dagger is made from a rare crystal from the astral known as rift crystals. The blade is a sharpened shard from such a crystal, it has been connected with a beautiful metal handle made to focus its powers. This particular dagger is well used and has the word Kiva’r engraved in the handle.

Open Rift. As an action you can slice open a colorful shifting rift in space within 5 feet of you. When you do so choose another unoccupied space that you can see within 300 feet of you, another rift opens at that location. The rift stays open for 1 minute or until a creature willingly moves through it. Additionally, projectiles can travel parallely through the rift without closing it. Ranged attack rolls made through the rift works like normal and the space between the rifts does not impact the range the projectile can move. Additionally, attacks that hit a creature after traveling through the rift deals an additional 1d8 force damage. You can only open one rift per long or short rest.

Timestrike. When you hit a creature with the dagger you can make the attack a timestrike. When you do, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or move 1 round forward in time. A target moved forward in time vanishes for the duration and returns to the space it left or in an unoccupied space nearest to that space if it’s occupied at the end of its next turn. This ability can be used twice per long rest.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Melee 1d4+1 Piercing 20/60 ft

Cost: 25 000gp
Weight: 1lb

World of Aloth

The Spellsword of Mystra


Legendary The Spellsword requires attunement by a good aligned arcane caster who can cast at least one 4th level spell.

Finesse, Light, Magical

The Spellsword of Mystra is a vestige originally made by the goddess Mystryl during the first age, but it was later destroyed in the third age. The sword was not seen before Dürthang where a follower of the recently deceased Mystryl found the hilt of the blade and enchanted it with her own essence and the threads of the dead god in one of her temples. When the same follower later ascended to godhood and replaced Mystryl as the Matron of the Weave, she claimed the blade as her own vestige. Though it was lost soon after Dürthang, until recently.

The blade was originally made from meteoric metal with a hilt made from arcane infused steel and a handle bound by the hide of an ancient sphinx. The blade itself was broken and when the blade was reforged, Mystra imbued it with pure arcane force which would strengthen and empower it. The blade can both be enhanced by the wielder’s connection to the weave, and channel the weave to a greater efficiency than any other spell focus.

Battle Mage: When you use your action to cast a spell, you can make one attack with the Spellsword as a bonus action.

Magical Nature: The Spellsword can be wielded as a magical shortsword that grants a +3 bonus to Attack and Damage rolls made with it and it deals 1d10 force damage instead of piercing damage. The weapon normally takes the appearance of a shortsword hilt, and while grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus Action to cause a blade of pure Force to spring in existence, or make the blade disappear. The wielder can also use the Spellsword as an arcane focus and its wielder gains a +3 to their spellcasting modifier while attuned to the blade.

Weave Imbuement: When you attack or hit a creature with the Spellsword, you can expend up to three additional spell slots to augment the effect of the hit on your turn, mixing in the raw power of the weave into the blade to empower it. The spell slot is used either before making the attack or after depending on the effect.

  • You can Expend a 1st-level spell slot when you hit a to deal an additional 2d10 force damage.

  • You can Expend a 1st-level spell slot before you make a melee weapon attack with the Spellsword to gain reach until the end of your next turn.

  • You can Expend a 2nd level spell slot when you hit a creature to give it disadvantage on its next saving throw against a spell you cast within 1 minute.

  • You can Expend a 2nd level spell slot before you make a melee weapon attack with the Spellsword to reduce the number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking with this weapon by 1 until the end of your next turn (This ability can stack with other similar abilities).

  • You can Expend a 3rd level spell slot before you make a melee weapon attack with the Spellsword to teleport up to 60 feet towards an enemy and gain advantage on the attack.

Reflective Parrying: When you are targeted by a spell that targets only you, you can as a reaction attempt to reflect the spell back at the caster. If the spell is of 5th lever or lower, the spell is instantly reflected at the original caster using the slot level, spell save DC, Attack bonus, and Spellcasting ability of the caster. If the spell is cast at 6th level or higher, you must make an ability check using your Spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the creature’s spell is reflected back at it. Once you have successfully reflected a spell, you cannot use this ability until you have finished a short or long rest.

Silver Fire: You can call upon silver fire as an action. When you do so you unleash a silver beam of fire which is 5 ft., wide and 60 ft., long. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw equal to your spellcasting DC or take 10d8 radiant damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. Alternatively you can unleash the silver fire in a 60 foot cone to restore a dead magic zone inside the cone or banish chaos magic. Once used, the silver fire can not be used until an hour has passed.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d10+3 Force

Cost: Priceless
Weight: 2lb

World of Aloth

Arcanist Gloves

Wondrous Item

Very Rare Requires attunement by an arcane spellcaster

The arcanist gloves are a set of gauntlets made with the intent of storing magical charges to enhance one’s own spells and siphon arcane powers from offensive spells cast against the wielder.

The gloves can be wielded as a +1 arcane focus. When you roll damage for a spell, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2.

The gloves can hold up to 6 charges and regain 1d3 charges each dawn. When you cast a spell that deals damage, you can use any number of charges up to your proficiency bonus, and add an equivalent number of damage die to the roll.

When you successfully save against or are missed by a damage dealing spell of 1st level or higher, you can choose to absorb the spell as a reaction. You then gain a number of charges equal to the spell level absorbed. If you are attuned to more than one item which has charges, you can assign these charges to any items that you are wielding. Once you have absorbed a spell, you can not do so again until you have finished a long rest.

Cost: 25 000gp

World of Aloth

Teleport Nullification Zone Lantern

Wondrous Item

Very Rare

The teleport nullification zone lantern is a magical device which can generate an invisible field around itself where all forms of teleportation become impossible.

As an action you can activate the lantern, when you do so, the lantern produces a 120 feet radius centered on itself. All attempts to teleport within this field fail, as does any attempt to leave the current plane using any spells or abilities. The lantern can, however, not stop a creature from walking through a portal. You can use the lantern for up to 1 hour each day, each use using a minimum of 1 minute from the duration. The lantern regains its hour of use after it has not been used for 24 hours.

Cost: 25 000gp
Weight: 5lbs

World of Aloth

Miracle Crafted Wand of Magic Missiles



This wand has 8 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the magic missile spell from it. For 1 charge, you cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend.

The wand regains 1d6 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.

Cost: 500gp
Weight: 1lb

World of Aloth

Spellshot Longbow


Very Rare The spellshot longbow requires attunement by an arcane spellcaster with 16 Dexterity

Ammunition, Heavy, Magical, Range, Two-handed

This beautifully crafted longbow is made from ancestral maple and decorated with silver and platinum runes and engravings. The string is made from the hairs of a silver dragon and the arrow rest has an astralite gem imbued where the arrow is notched.

The spellshot longbow requires attunement by an arcane spellcaster with 16 Dexterity. In the hands of a creature attuned to the spellshot longbow, it is a magical longbow which grants you a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. It can also be used as an arcane focus which grants a +1 bonus to your spellcasting modifier.

Spellshot. When you make an attack roll with the spellshot longbow, you can choose to imbue the arrow with a spell known to you. The spell must be of a level equal to or lower than your spellcasting ability modifier. The chosen spell can be cast at a higher level, as long as it does not go above the modifier. The spell must be a single target spell which requires an attack roll. On a hit, you deal the attack’s normal damage in addition to the spell’s effect. You can choose to use your spellcasting modifier for this attack. You can use this ability twice per long rest.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d8+2 Piercing 150/600

Cost: 30 000gp
Weight: 2

World of Aloth

The Blade of Chek’vez’thur


Legendary The Blade of Chek’vez’thur requires attunement by a chaotic aligned creature

Finesse, Magical, Versatile

The blade of Chek’vez’thur is a powerful blade made from the spine of the obyrith Chek’vez’thur and wrapped in the leather of Fraz’Urb-luu. The blade sings the madness of the obyrith of which it was made from. The blade is thin and almost completely indestructible as well as being immune to magic. The wielder gains horrible nightmares while attuned to the blade.

The Blade of Chek’vez’thur requires attunement by a chaotic aligned creature. A creature who attempts to attune to the blade who does not fulfill any of the requirements must make a DC 21 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 55 (10d10) psychic damage.

In the hands of a creature who has attuned to the blade,it is a magical longsword that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The blade also has the finesse trait.

Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Maddening Strikes. When you hit a creature with the blade, you can choose to make the attack a maddenings strike. When you do, the creature takes an additional 4d10 psychic damage and it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of its turn. On each failed save it takes an additional 4d10 psychic damage. A creature who fails by 10 or more suffers a random madness, like the mad whisper trait. You can use this ability an amount of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.

Mad Whispers. When you use maddening strikes or finish a long rest. You must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or suffer a random madness. Roll a d10 to decide which type of madness:

Roll 1d10:
1-5 Short-term madness
6-8 Long-term madness
9-10 Indefinite Madness

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d8+2 / 1d10+2 Slashing

Cost: Priceless
Weight: 3lb

World of Aloth

Very Vicious Shortsword



Finesse, Light, Magical

This vicious shortsword has been made even more vicious through a series of enchantments.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking with this weapon is reduced by 1 (This ability can stack). Additionally, you deal an additional 3d6 piercing damage on a critical hit.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d6+2 Piercing

Cost: 50 000 gp
Weight: 2lb

World of Aloth

Ring of Cantrips



This simple silver ring has a small diamond embedded in it and arcane inscriptions written within the ring.

Potent Cantrips. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls with your cantrips.

Quick Cantrip. Once per long rest, you can cast a cantrip which has a casting time of one action as a bonus action instead.

Cost: 500gp

World of Aloth

The Rogue’s Getaway

Armor (Light)

Very Rare Requires attunement by a rogue of 10th level or higher

This set of studded leather armor is inconspicuous and easy to wear beneath other clothes. It is made from dark leathers which sit tight to the body and makes it easier for the wearer to move around dexterously and nimbly.

Close Call. When you use uncanny dodge, you take no damage instead of half damage, as long as the hit was not a critical hit, in which case you take half.

Nimble Armor. You gain a +2 bonus to any Dexterity check and ability checks using Dexterity.

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis.
Light 12 No

Cost: 20 000gp
Weight: 10lb

World of Aloth

Ring of Wizardry


Rare Requires Attunement

This ring contains a large darkened astralite gem which is constantly glistening, the gem is bound in a gold band which has arcane runes depicting the weave engraved within.

When attuned to the ring, you gain an additional 1st-level spell slot and you can prepare an additional amount of 1st-level spells equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).

Cost: 2500gp

[block:   ]

The statblocks of your class features

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for race/species of the character.

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

Statblocks for your spells.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

Created by


Statblock Type

Character Sheet (Legacy)
