Duthrael | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase +1 Dex, +2 Con
Size Medium
Speed 30ft.

On the rare occasion that a Yuan-ti pureblood finds it necessary to breed with a human to further a plot, a Duthrael, or "Unfamiliar One" may be born. These half-breeds are typically left on the streets, but those who raise them are always the human parent. These children often grow up callous and harsh, and move nearly unseen even without attempting to hide.

Creatures of Night

Duthrael tend to stay inside during the daylight, as their eyes are inherently sensitive to the sun. Their darkvision is perfected in contrast to their Yuan-ti parents, allowing for a fully functional range of vision and color even in the darkest of natural light. The magics that are inherently present in the Yuan-ti latch onto the shadowfell that has corrupted the humans of Deminos, and twists to fit the new paradigm within the half-breeds. Their skin, while dark, shimmers slightly in the light with a reflection from the nearly imperceptibly small scales that make up their skin and pores. Their mouths are home to pointed teeth and long, thin forked tongues. Their eyes are deep, dark shades of blue, purple, or even black and have no visible pupil. Their hair tends to grow somewhat stiff, resembling spines atop their heads until it grows below their shoulders, and comes in light shades of grey, silver, and white. Their fingers end in sharp tips, at the same length as any humans, and their nails tend to grow in this semi-conical shape to a point.

Forsaken and Self-Sufficient
The Duthrael on Deminos are naturally silent creatures, and make very little noise once they learn how to procure items themselves. From then on, they are frequently forgotten, even by their own parents. They learn quickly by watching, and piece together how to do what they need to. Eventually, they leave their homes in search of others, in an attempt to understand more about their unique biology.

Budding Culture

For more than two hundred years, Duthrael would pop up within the city districts as the Yuan-ti purebloods intermingled in every intimate way with the human populace to gather information and formulate a plan should the other races turn on them in spite of the law. Initially, the Duthrael were given their racial name by the Yuan-ti who abandoned them as a label found on the abandoned children. Intended as informing the public in a manner similar to labeling their garbage, the Yuan-ti would leave the children without so much as a blanket. Sometimes they were found by their genetic human parents, more often by wandering humans and even Shadar-Kai that either didn't have it in them to leave the babies, or saw a potential usefulness to a protege raised by them.

In recent years, the Yuan-ti have been approached by several Duthrael with questions, and spared no time in telling them of their heritage and nature; as well as their classification as trash among the snakeblooded people. When this was discovered, many of the Duthrael began searching tomes and asking questions of their ancestors. When it came to light that Draconic served as the basis for the Yuan-ti language before it was forgotten, the Duthrael found the ancient Draconic scripts and made them their own, as well as began forming a culture. One that is taught to be mistrusting of the Yuan-ti, as well as pitying towards humans. They live even further in the darkness than the shade-touched humans who raised them, and bare more hatred inside than the Yuan-ti who abandoned them. They use this hate to fuel their willingness to live, and consider life and prosperity their truest revenge for abandonment, making sure to be shameless in their status above the Yuan-ti, as they are closer to human, but the Yuan-ti consider them lesser; and have subtly made this known by forcing the branding given to the Duthrael at birth, as abandoned, into the name by which their people are recognized.

Shade-Infested Snakeblood

The Duthrael are born of the poisonous Yuan-ti and the shade-touched humans of Deminos from the fallen Netherese kingdom. The effects of the shadowfell mingling with the snakeblood inside of them has caused unusual reactions and traits. Their entire bodies took on a dark appearance, with snake scales hardly large enough to notice upon even the closest of inspection, and the magic of their snakeblood twisting towards darkness. They do not have the poison immunity of their Yuan-ti ancestors, but instead find themselves attuned, and drawn, to death and shadows. The few among them that found themselves adopted by a Shadar-Kai learned how to tap into these abilities, and spread this instruction quickly.

Duthraelese Names

Duthrael are usually given a name by their parent, and that name is inevitably human, but as their numbers grew and they began to piece together their heritage they developed their own names derived from ancient Draconic. Some Duthrael will continue on with their given names, seeing it as a badge of honor for having survived human parents that forgot them and a society that forsakes them. Others switch over, or are born to two Duthraelese parents and are given a name. These Draconic names range from spiteful names such as Aithyas or Pothoc, meaning "shit" and "stupid" to spite their Yuan-ti ancestors and mock their insults by taking them as names, to names intended to bolster confidence and self-worth, such as Aurixia, or Vorel, meaning "golden" and "beautiful". Some choose more violent names, to show strength, such as Gix and Ixenia, meaning "claw" or "from fire". Whatever the name, it holds a deep amount of the personality for the being that chooses it, and they wear the labels with pride.

Male Duthrael Names: Ashuak, Arcath, Charir, Darss, Frahr, Gix, Hurthi, Ierick, Jhank, Kepesk, Kurik, Lefanthish, Nurh, Oth, Pothoc, Rhyaex, Sjach, Ssej, Sthyr, Ternesj, Thrae, Tiamash, Usk, Versvesh, Vutha, Vyth
Female Duthrael Names: Aesthyr, Aithyas,  Arcaniss, Aurixia, Baeshra, Dartak, Edar, Haurach, Henichia, Iejir, Irisv, Isk, Ixenia, Kethend, Korth, Kuhri, Levex, Majak, Martifyr, Munth, Nannan, Noachi, Ocuir, Orni, Potvych, Sjashukri, Thurkear, Troth, Uljar, Ux, Vaeri, Vignari, Vorel

Duthrael are filled with conflicting emotions, and largely fight internally. Their treatment and hatred for the Yuan-ti pushes them away from evil, but society at large houses few examples of good, and as such they lean towards a neutral standpoint, but cannot escape the chaos inside of them.
Duthrael mature and age at the same rate as humans, and live about as long.
True Darkvision
You can see in absolute, nonmagical, darkness without issue; including discerning individual colors, shapes, and contours. Your eyes are extremely sensitive to light; when in daylight you have disadvantage on Attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Innate Spellcasting
You know the Toll the Dead cantrip. You can cast Temptation an unlimited number of times with this trait, but can only target undead creatures with an intelligence equal to or under half of your level. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast Darkness with this trait. Once you cast it, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.
Your creature type is humanoid, but when being affected by spells and attacks you are considered undead. Effects that cause necrotic damage heal you for half of the intended damage instead of harming you, and healing magic damages you for half of the hit points intended to be restored.
You feel the shadows in your veins, and what dwells in them. You are allowed Dexterity saving throws against sneak attacks.

Languages. Netherese, Abyssal

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