Chaos Shield | ADD2E Spells | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Chaos Shield

Chaos Shield
Type of Magic
Spell Level
Abjuration (House Quintus)

Somatic, Verbal

1d10 rounds+2 rounds/level ​
Casting Time
Area of Effect
The caster ​
Saving Throw
​Following the discovery of wild magic came the discovery of wild surges and the personal danger such surges create. After several wild mages destroyed themselves by rather spectacular means (or suffered very odd side effects), the chaos shield was created as protection from these surges.​ ​This spell imbues the wild mage with special protection against the effects of wild surges. It protects only against wild surges caused by the caster's own spells, not from the effects of another mage's wild surges.​ ​When a wild surge affects a caster protected by chaos shield, he is allowed a saving throw vs. magic. If the saving throw is successful, the effect of the surge on the caster is negated. If the saving throw is failed, the caster is affected normally by the surge. The spell does not protect against wild surges that might be caused by its own casting. The chaos shield protects only the caster and does not negate the effects of a wild surge for other characters who might be in the area of effect. The caster cannot voluntarily cancel the protection once he has learned the nature of a wild surge; the chaos shield protects from both good and harmful effects. Thus, if a wild surge resulted in a heal spell for all characters within 10 feet of the caster, the protected caster might not benefit, while all others in the radius would be healed.​ The spell remains in effect until it negates a wild surge or the spell duration expires. ​

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Statblock Type

ADD2E Spells
