Focus | ADD2E Spells | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Type of Magic
Spell Level
Invocation and Evocation (House Appius)
10 feet ​

Material, Somatic, Verbal

The material components are many, including special vestments, incense, oils, waters, and other equipment the DM deems appropriate. The cost of these materials is never less than 1,000 gp plus 100 gp per level of spell being amplified. These items are given up as offerings to the deity (perhaps to be distributed to the poor), and new ones must be obtained each time the spell is cast.

​Special ​
Casting Time
1 day ​
Area of Effect
Saving Throw
​This spell creates the necessary conditions for devotional energy to be used. For faith magic to work, the priest must create a focus to harness the necessary devotional energy. This spell creates that focus. A focus cannot function without a source of devotional energy. The focus gathers devotional energy and reshapes it in order to amplify other spells cast by the priest (or priests). The same energy keeps the focus in existence. If the spell is cast and there is no immediate source of devotional energy within 100 feet, the focus immediately fails. Once created, most foci cannot be moved. This condition and the need for a constant supply of devotional energy tends to limit the use of foci to temples, churches, monasteries, shrines, and seminaries--permanent structures where followers of the religion gather on a regular basis. Sometimes a focus is created for a special gathering such as a holy day, conclave, grand wedding, or yearly festival. Not all foci are identical. The particular form of the focus depends on the power and nature of the spell being amplified. All foci can be seen by detect magic. There are three basic types of foci: site, item, and living. Site foci are connected to a place, whether a room, building, field, or forest. Once cast, the foci cannot be moved. It causes no disturbance in the surroundings; it is invisible and intangible. Item foci are centered on a single object. Customarily, this object is large and immovable, such as an altar, but it is possible for the focus to be as small as is practical. The item can be as elaborate or plain as desired, but should have some significance to the religion. Living foci are the rarest of all types. In this case, the focus is created on a living plant, animal, or person. Detect charm reveals the person is somehow enchanted, although not under the influence of a typical charm spell. The type of focus created (site, item, or living) depends on the religion and nature of the spell amplified. These choices are listed in Table 3: Focused Spell Effects. Casting the focus spell is a long and complicated process, accompanied by many ceremonies and rituals. During the day spent casting the spell, the priest will need the assistance of at least two other priests of the same faith. These aides need not memorize the spell (or even be capable of casting it). Their duty is to provide the extra hands and voices needed at specific points of the casting. A large number of worshipers must also be present since the focus requires their energy. Not surprisingly, the casting of this spell is often incorporated into important holy festivals or special occasions. The duration of the focus is one year. If the devotional energy falls below a minimum level, the spell ends sooner. A focus requires the devotional energy of at least 100 devout worshipers. Lay monks (those dedicated to the religion but not priests) count as two worshipers, while priests (of any level) count as ten. A focus could be maintained by a congregation of 100, a monastery of fifty, or a seminary of as few as 10 priests (or any combination of the above). The focus must receive this energy for at least 10 hours out of every day. If these conditions are not met, the focus weakens. The area of effect of the amplified spell decreases by 20% each day until it fades away completely. Once the focus is created, the priest or priests have 1 turn in which to cast the desired spell upon the focus. A focus can amplify only one spell, and each item, creature, or place can receive only one focus. Spells that can be cast upon a focus are listed on Table 3.​ Table 3: FOCUSED SPELL EFFECTS Possible Focus Spell Type Anti-animal shell S/I/L Anti-plant shell S/I/L Bless S/I Control temperature, 10' radius S* Control winds S/I* Cure disease I/L Cure blindness or deafness I/L Detect poison S/I Detect lie I Detect magic I Dispel evil S/I Endure cold/endure heat S* Know alignment I/L Negative plane protection S/I Protection from evil S/I Protection from lightning S Protections from fire S Purify food and drink I Remove fear S/I/L Remove curse I Repel insects S/I Resist fire/resist cold S Speak with animals S/I/L Tongues S/I True seeing S * The caster must state a desired range (temperature, wind strength, etc.) within the spell's normal limitations at the time it is cast.​ Once the spell is cast, the normal duration and area of effect for that spell are ignored. The focus begins to increase these factors of the spell's power. After one day, the amplified spell reaches its full area of effect. Thereafter, it remains over that area until the focus fails. The area affected by the focus (and its amplified spell) depends on the level of the caster. The spell expands in a radius from the focus, 20 feet per level of the caster, although it can deliberately be created smaller. Within that area of effect, the amplified spell exerts its normal effect. A 13th-level priest could create a focus up to 260 feet in diameter. ​

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ADD2E Spells
