Cognitive Trance | ADD 2E Psionics | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Cognitive Trance

Cognitive Trance
PSP (Initial)
PSP (Ongoing)
Area of Effect
Power Score
​The psionicist gains a +4 bonus on any Intelligence checks that are required (for solving puzzles or riddles, for example) for the duration of cognitive trance. ​
Critical (20)
​The psionicist gets a mild headache that lasts for 1d6 turns, ruining any chance of entering such a trance. ​
A psionicist with this power can place himself in a trance that clears his mind for calm and contemplative thought. Anything the psionicist sees, hears, or reads while under the mind-sharpening influence of the cognitive trance can be committed to his memory verbatim, for precise recall at a later time. The player running the psionicist character can use this ability to remember detailed instructions or conversations to the word, even if he himself does not remember the exact content. This can come in really handy when trying to remember detailed instructions to a certain location or the exact wording of a complicated series of intricate passwords. The psionicist can also enter the trance to consider any problem, puzzle, or riddle, gaining a +2 bonus on any Intelligence checks to find a solution. If used for photographic memory, the trance lasts as long as it takes to completely take in all the information to be remembered. If used to solve a puzzle, the trance lasts as long as it takes the psionicist to make a single attempt to arrive at a solution for the situation at hand. An extended trance may last for several hours. Entire books may be memorized in this way. While in cognitive trance, the psionicist suffers a –1 penalty to surprise cheeks. Combat or even conversation of the slightest sort will break the trance. ​

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Statblock Type

ADD 2E Psionics
