Spells: M – O | Generic, Text | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Spells: M – O

Mage Light ⸻ Ob 3-6^ ⸻ 5 Actions

He rapped his staff upon the flagstones and gentle illumination flowed forth.
This is a subtle but powerful spell that dispels darkness. It can be used to call upon the simple light of a candle, or the awesome brightness of the sun. Before casting, the sorcerer must indicate what kind of light he wishes to conjure and where it emanates from (e.g. his brow or eyes, his staff or weapon, a ring or finger, etc.). There are four types of darkness that this can dispel: dim light / lantern light/ twilight = Ob 3; candlelight / moonlight = Ob 4; gloom / distant illumination / starlight = Ob 5; or complete darkness / overcast night / underground = Ob 6. If successfully cast, the darkness penalties are negated in the area of effect. Marginal successes can be spent to increase the area of effect by tenfold.
Note: Dispelling complete darkness is the equivalent of creating daylight, which can burn or cause penalties to creatures of darkness
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Presence
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:16 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 215

Magesense (Second Sight) ⸻ Ob 4^ ⸻ 2 Actions

This is a powerful spell extends the sorcerer's senses from the realm of the mundane into that of the arcane.
When this spell is erected, you can suddenly see, hear, and smell magic. When a spell is cast within the range of your senses, or when you looks upon an enchanted item, you may make a Perception test to detect or identify the magic: the obstacle is 10 minus the Ob or Strength of the active spell / effect. Success on this test will tell you about the general effect, or maybe the name of the spell, but not the specific details unless it's established that you’ve encountered this kind of magic before. Extra successes on casting the spell can be spent to further heighten your natural sensitivity, granting +1D to Observation tests while sustained, up to a maximum of +3D. Additionally, while sustained, since you can now see magical auras your Aura Reading skill becomes open-ended (if you have it), and it can be used instead of Perception to detect magic and identify spells (as above) if you’d prefer. A major drawback to having magesense sustained, though, is that you will suffer a +1 Ob penalty to all physical actions like fighting, running, and jumping; as the strange overlap of reality is quite disorienting.
Note: Having Magesense up also explicitly lets you FoRK ‘Aura Reading’ into other Conjuration tests, but it must be sustained for the whole duration of the other summonings (which is several hours usually, and so you may also have to make a Forte-based Tax test in the interim).
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Self (Senses)
Element:Anima + ArcanaImpetus:Enhance
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:16 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 215

Magic Whistle ⸻ Ob 1 ⸻ 1 Actions

A most basic of spells, taught to junior magicians to help the practise their art.
Almost completely functionally useless, except as a party trick. The spell creates a sharp whistling sound that soars above your heads, then a bright pop is heard a moment later; as though an invisible firework had just been let off. Might spook the birds, or cause a moment of distraction. Some sorcerers have been known to use this spell creatively though.
Origin:PresenceArea of Effect:Single target (Paces)
Duration:InstantPurchase Price:2 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 216

Mask ⸻ Ob 3^ ⸻ 2 Actions

A wizard can walk in the guise of any man.
A mage may alter his facial appearance with this spell, to resemble anyone else real or imagined. It does not alter the rest of his physical form however, and it is simply a twisting illusion of the space and light around his face; so anyone who knows the mage may still attempt to recognise him: They must make an Observation test at Ob 1 + margin of success.
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Self
Element:Arcana + HeavenImpetus:Control
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:12 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 216

Mend ⸻ Ob 4-7^ ⸻ 5 Actions

Under the witch's careful tending, the wear and tear of daily life disappears from cloth, wood, and even metal.
Mend shoes, clothes, or finery = Ob 4; mend tools, weapons, chains, or 1D of armour = Ob 5; mend 2D of shields or armour, or fix small machined objects like locks and gears, or large tools and weapons like a plough or a cannon = Ob 6; mend 3D of armour or shields, or repair larger machines, like mills, lathes, or pressure tanks = Ob 7.
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Single Target
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:20 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 216

Minor Maker ⸻ Ob 3^ ⸻ Ritual

Know this simple spell and you'll never be without that which you need.
Starting with a scrap of raw material or a fragment of the original, you can recreate and multiply wooden planks, lengths of rope, sheets of cloth, paper, chain links, etc. Any minor mundane object really, as long as it is all made of the same material. Even food: so long as it's vegetarian. Success doubles your starting amount of material and margin of success doubles-again how much is produced (x4, x8, x16, etc).
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Single Target
Duration:InstantPurchase Price:12 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 216

Major Maker ⸻ Ob 6^ ⸻ Ritual

A powerful spell indeed; one that, if properly seeded, would put even a master craftsman to shame. Some may even call this “cheating”. The spell creates an object of the wizard’s desire from scratch.
Starting with a single inorganic mundane object—or section of a larger object, at the GM’s discretion—no larger than a hay cart, you can use this magic to reproduce a duplicate of it. Success gives you a rough copy of the starting object. It is functional, but the craftsmanship is ‘poor’. Each marginal success can be spend to either increase the craftsmanship up to ‘run of the mill’ or ‘superior’ (so long as the original template object is also of ‘run of the mill’ or ‘superior’ quality), or they can be spent to create additional copies (x3, x4, x5, etc).
Example: Suppose you wanted to use this to quickly create several pieces of armour; chest pieces, say. Say that you get 10 successes! You can spend two marginal successes to increase the quality to ‘superior’, and then spend the remaining two to get two more copies; giving you three of copies of the superior quality chest piece, plus the original.
Note: The craftsmanship selected is applied all copies.
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Single Target(s)
Duration:InstantPurchase Price:24 rps
Obscurity:Uncommon (Ob 3)Source:Original

Mire ⸻ Ob 5^ ⸻ 3 Actions

The stone becomes sludge, the earth becomes mud.
The ground affected area turns to muck, slowing down passage, counting as difficult terrain (i.e. +1 Ob to movement, positioning, and related physical actions). If cast on a wall section or building, this spell will appear to melt a hole right through it; leaving a brown slurry of gore around the wound. Two marginal successes can be spent to increase the obstacle penalty for the terrain by +1 Ob. Individual marginal successes can also be spent to repeatedly double the area of effect (x2, x4, x8, etc). After the spell ends the mud turns back to stone.
Origin:SensesArea of Effect:Presence
Element:Earth + WaterImpetus:Control
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:20 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:THAC0 pg 8

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