Spells: C – D | Generic, Text | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Spells: C – D

Call of Iron ⸻ Ob 3 ⸻ 2 Actions

With a flick of the wizard's wrist, the knife is wrenched from the assassin's hand.
You can call metal objects from afar—a sword, for example—and pull them towards you. Grabbing onto something with resistance will force a Will vs. Power between you and the wielder of the object.
Origin:Double PresenceArea of Effect:Single Target
Duration:InstantPurchase Price:6 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 208

Call of the Fiery Pits ⸻ Ob 5^ ⸻ 3 Actions

Violent black words tear a rift in the skin of the earth, spewing fire and choking vapours: tremors shiver across the ground and shatter buildings like a hammer breaking glass.
Damaging spell effect. Grants +5D to an Engineering vs. Materials test. Anyone caught in immediate the area of effect must make an Ob 5 Speed test or else fall into lava—likely killing them immediately—or dropping them onto a craggy ledge, which they must climb out of or be rescued from, if they are an important character that we care about.
WL = X (Missile), Max. Range = 5 (Highest) [3D / 7D]
Origin:SensesArea of Effect:100s of Paces
Element:Earth + FireImpetus:Destroy
Duration:Instant (Permanent)Purchase Price:20 rps
Obscurity:Rare (Ob 5)Source:BWG pg 248

Cat's Eye ⸻ Ob 3 ⸻ 2 Actions

Twilight becomes bright and what lies in the shadows is revealed.
Reduces obstacle penalties for dimness, haziness, and darkness for the target by 2 levels.
So pitch-blackness—which normally gives a +4 Ob—is reduced to +2 Ob, for example
Origin:PresenceArea of Effect:Self / Single Target
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:6 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 209

Ceremonial Bondage ⸻ Ob [Mode Will] ⸻ Ritual

This incantation binds two or more souls together into a unique relationship which helps them protect one another. The spells is favoured among adventuring parties, royal guardsmen, honoured servants, and newly-weds.
If successfully cast, all targets gain the 'Bonded' trait; in which they must list everyone else they are bonded too (i.e. all other participants in the ritual). The trait counts as a Call-On for Steel when one of the bonded members is in danger, and it gives them each a rough idea of which direction the others are at any moment like a soft mental tug. An individual may only have one Bonded trait at a time, for the moment any person in the bond betrays another the trait is lost for everyone like a sharp mental snap! The obstacle is the most common Will exponents among all targets (or the average rounded up), the caster may include themselves in the ritual too with the permission of the other targets.
“Betrayal” includes violence, theft, adultery, murderous intents, especially hateful words, breaking pacts, or getting 'Bonded' to a different set of people
Origin:PresenceArea of Effect:Single Targets
Element:Anima + HeavenImpetus:Enhance
Duration:Until BetrayalPurchase Price:10 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:Original

Chameleon ⸻ Ob 4^ ⸻ 2 Actions

Skin and clothing swirl and fade like sunspots and afterimages, as the sorcerer blends seamlessly into his surroundings—scattering the flow of time around himself—there one moment, gone the next... difficult t-to... focus on.
Meeting the obstacle grants the target +1D to the Stealthy, Inconspicuous, and Camouflage skills. Marginal successes can be spent on extra dice. In addition, the target cannot be be easily spotted anyway. That is, another character must explicitly state that they are looking about for them—either by expressed intent, or with an instinct or trait—to even attempt an Observation test.
Note: If travelling in a group then the target of this spell is never considered to be the ‘slowest or loudest’ for the purpose of the leading a test to avoid detection.
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Self / Single Target
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:16 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 209

Chaos Ward ⸻ Ob 5^ ⸻ 3 Actions

A cacophany of lights and sounds swirl around, obscuring the very earth from thy feet and the sun from thy brow.
This spell causes confusion to all who fall under it. Meeting the obstacle imposes a +1 Ob penalty to all actions taken in the area of effect. Additional successes can be spent to increases the penalty.
WL = X (Missile), Max. Range = 5 (Highest) [1D / 5D]
Origin:SensesArea of Effect:10s of Paces
Element:HeavenImpetus:Influence / Tax
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:20 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 209

Choking Hand ⸻ Ob 3^ ⸻ 2 Actions

His malignant will forms an invisible appendage eager to do his terrible bidding.
Conjures a translucent hand or tendril with the reach of a lance and a Power equal to your untaxed Will (and with another +1D to Power for every 3 successes over the Ob). The appendage may be used to choke a victim as per the rules for Lock (you test the spell’s Power vs. the victim's Power), or to make ranged 'unarmed attacks', but it does not have to vie for position. If the victim breaks the Lock then the spell is also broken, and ends. Alternatively it may be used to Help the wizard in a Lock or a separate versus Power test.
Power = Will +1/3 MoS, Add 2, VA = 0, WS = 3, WL = 5 (Longest), Range = Melee
Origin:PresenceArea of Effect:Single Target
Duration:Sustained (or Until Broken)Purchase Price:12 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 209

Coil and Knot ⸻ Ob 2+ ⸻ 5 Actions

With a few deft upward gestures, the wizard whipped the winds up and the ropes started dancing like snakes, then with a flick down the ends were tied together as well as any sailor at sea.
Allows you to tie or untie any ropes or cords in your presence. Ob 2 will effect a simple overhand knot, raising the Ob as per the Knots skill (pg 280) for more complex knots or for versus tests. (The obstacles are the same for untying a knot). Multiple knots may be created in the same casting, on the same Ob, as long as all the ropes to be tied are in the area of effect.
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Presence
Element:Air + EarthImpetus:Control
Duration:InstantPurchase Price:8 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:THAC0 pg 8

Courage ⸻ Ob 4^ ⸻ 2 Actions

The word is fire in thy veins.
This simple incantation negates any all current hesitation among your allies in your presence, and it grants +1D to their next Steel exponent on meeting the Ob, and an extra +1D for each marginal success. The spell Ob is the most common Hesitation value among all affected characters in range (or the average rounded up).
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Presence
Element:Anima + FireImpetus:Influence
Duration:InstantPurchase Price:16 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 210

Creeping Shadow Mamba ⸻ Ob 4^ ⸻ 2 Actions

The serpent flings forth from the caster’s sleeve and writhes across the floor like black vapour.
The shadowy snake has a will of its own once released; it is not completely under your control, though you can point it in the right direction at the start. It has a Will and Speed stats equal to your Will, and no other stats. It has Stride of 8. It carries with it a miasma of noxious fumes in its Presence which both increases darkness penalties for everyone in it by 1 and forces them to make an Ob 5 Forte-based Tax test (with the usual failure consequences) if they stay near it for longer than an exchange. Anyone who touches it (or that it touches) must also immediately make a Steel test at +1 Ob. It also has a venomous bite which causes hallucinations. Marginal of successes are spent to increase the number of exchanges that the Creeping Shadow Mamba exists for.
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Double Presence
Element:Arcana + WaterImpetus:Tax
Duration:ExchangesPurchase Price:16 rps
Obscurity:Uncommon (Ob 3)Source:BWG pg 249

Dark of Night ⸻ Ob 3^ ⸻ 2 Actions

A dim pall suffocates the hall as the wizard enters, shadows lengthen and deepen, lamps shine but give no light.
The spell creates darkness and smothers light around you. Thus a candle can be seen as a point of light, but it illuminates nothing, like a distant star. Successfully casting the spell creates the dim light condition (+1 Ob to actions requiring light). Extra successes can increase the darkness level up to a maximum of +4 Ob (total blackness). Extra successes can also increase the AoE by tenfold.
Note: This replaces any pre-existing light penalties for the scene (i.e. it does not stack), but it is also creating a magical darkness, which typical ‘darkvision’-type traits cannot bypass either.
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:10s of Paces
Element:Arcana + WaterImpetus:Tax
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:12 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 248

Death’s Howl ⸻ Ob 4^ ⸻ 2 Actions

A frigid wind erupts howling from the mouth of the sorcerer. It is so terrible it freezes the flesh on the bone, the wind is so powerful it topples trees.
Damaging effect. Success above the Ob can either be spent as a 'Throw Person' action in Fight or they may be spent on the 'Natural Effects Scale' (pg 520) to blow down trees and damage houses, or even create great swells and destroy small buildings.
Power = Will, IMS = DoF, VA = 8, WL = X (Missile), Max. Range = 5 (Highest) [2D / 4D]
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:100s of Paces (line)
Duration:InstantPurchase Price:16 rps
Obscurity:Uncommon (Ob 3)Source:BWG pg 248

Delirium Tremens ⸻ Ob [Target’s Forte] ⸻ 5 Actions

The touch of this wizard will send all thine senses reeling.
This spell increases all of the victim's ability obstacles by 10 minus their Will. After casting, this penalty drops by 1 every Volley until it diminishes back to zero.
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Single Target
Duration:VolleysPurchase Price:10 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 210

Dexterity of the Cat ⸻ Ob [Target’s Speed] ⸻ 5 Actions

Purring incantations imbue the recipient with the infallible balance of a cat.
Raises the target’s Speed and all Physical skill exponents for the purpose of climbing, leaping, dodging, dancing, and other cat-like actions by 2D. This can also be factored into Reflexes.
For example, this includes Positioning and Avoid tests in Fight, but not Close / Maintain / Withdraw in RnC or long-distance running.
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Self / Single Target
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:10 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:BWG pg 210

Door ⸻ Ob 3+ ⸻ 5 Actions

With a touch, the space around the wall bends inwards and shortens until there is no wall left, but rather a portal to whatever is on the other side.
Only works on mundane and solid surfaces (e.g. brick walls, locked doors, iron gates, cave floors, etc.). The portal created is only as big as the caster is—based on stature—and the initial depth is only a maximum of 1 pace. An obstacle penalty must be applied to double the depth of the effect (i.e. +1 Ob = 2 paces, +2 Ob = 4 paces, ..., +10 Ob = 1024 paces).
Note: This doesn’t exactly teleport you by however many paces you need it to, rather it deposits you on the other side of the solid object it’s used on—projected in a straight line—so if used on a thin wall you’ll still only end up on the other side of that wall, even if you use this spell at a higher Ob.
Origin:PersonalArea of Effect:Paces
Element:Arcana + EarthImpetus:Control
Duration:SustainedPurchase Price:12 rps
Obscurity:Common (Ob 1)Source:THAC0 pg 8

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