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Tellus' Standard Reference

The Voice of Beauty

Wondrous Item

Very Rare Enchantment Requires Attunement

This item is a close fitting necklace decorated with a wide amulet made to look like human lips covering the voice box of the throat. While wearing it, the bearer is granted a +2 to all Persuasion, Performance, Deception, and Intimidation checks.
Once attuned, the bearer can use the torque to cast a DC15 Charm Person spell, before needing a long or a short rest in order to cast again.

Voice of Beauty

A masterwork gold torqu, this necklace has but one decoration; stylized human lips. The lips fall just where the voicebox would be on the wearer.

Immediately upon donning this item, ones words and spoken gravitas are significantly amplified. People want to hear what the wearer has to say! And, once the wearer is attuned to it, they can can cast a DC15 Charm Person once between a long or a short rest.

Cost: 1,500 GP
Weight: 1/2 lb.

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