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ANHEDON 4 (12)
Motive Find the Meeting of All Things
Environment Almost anywhere, alone or in groups of three
Damage Inflicted 4 points
Armor 3
Movement Short; very long when jumping
Modifications Understanding numenera as level 7
Combat Anhedons can manipulate gravity, both to make attacks and to evade enemies. A favorite attack is to greatly increase their own gravity after leaping up under a lesser pull, allowing them to smash back down, inflicting 4 points of damage on all targets in an immediate area. Their control over gravity and mass renders them immune from taking falling damage themselves.

They can also target one individual within a short distance, netting them in a field of crushing gravity that pulls them to the ground, prevents them from taking physical actions, and inflicts 4 points of damage each round until the target can escape.

An anhedon can cancel gravity for a target within short range, which could cause the victim to float around like a feather on the wind until they can escape, or they can reverse gravity for one target long enough—less than a round—to send them falling 100 feet (30 m) into the air. The target will fall back to the ground (unless they can prevent it), taking 10 points of damage and descending one step on the damage track.
Interaction Anhedons seem to be a hateful group and would rather kill others than deal with them in their never-ending search for the Meeting of All Things—a thing they will name but never describe. They speak several languages and will negotiate with those who seem like they could help. But woe to those who lie about knowing where to find what the anhedons seek.
Use The PCs discover partial and incomplete plans for something called an anhedon compass. This eventually draws the attention of anhedons, who want it.
Loot Anhedon geologically powered armor can be salvaged for a couple of cyphers and two or three iotum.
Anhedon by Tillerz using MidJourney
Dour and severe, anhedons are protected with a carapace of dark stone breached only by twin beams of red light for eyes. It’s possible that anhedons are actually wearing some kind of geologically powered armor, but that’s mere speculation. Anhedons retain their mystery because they seem to simply fall out of the sky in a never-ending search for something they call the Meeting of All Things.

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Statblock Type

Numenera creature
