Trapping III | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Trapping III - 13350 AXP


    • AXP: 13350
    • Grants Access To: None

When you take this feature you may learn three additional traps. You may now learn any of the following Traps.

Traps marked with an asterisk (*) add to or modify the effects of another trap; a ranger can add one of these trap types to any standard (non-technomancy) trap (this costs 1 additional Hunter Point). See Trapping I for rules on Setting Traps.

Cleansing Trap

The trap suppresses the target’s ability to use one randomly selected attack, ability, or quality that creates a disease or poison effect; this lasts for 1 round per tier. If the creature has more than one such attack, ability, or quality that creates a disease or poison effect, the attack, ability, or quality to be suppressed when the creature is affected by this trap is determined at random from those not already suppressed.

Distraction Trap

The target is affected with irritation that detracts from its alertness. It takes a –2 penalty on Perception checks, initiative checks, and Dexterity saves for 10 minutes per tier. The scout must supply a dose of itching powder or another alchemical irritant.

Exploding Trap*

Restrictions: Can only be added to a fire trap.

The trap explodes in fire, filling all squares adjacent to the trap and dealing a number of points of fire damage equal to 1d6 + the Scout’s tier (Dexterity save negates).

Fire Trap

The trap explodes in flames, dealing a number of points of fire damage equal to 4d6 + the Scout’s tier to the triggering creature (Reflex negates).

Infected Snare Trap*

Restrictions: Can only be added to a snare trap.

The snare is made of diseased materials, which contain an aggressive blight that saps the energy and bodily health from the target creature. When initially caught in the snare, the trapped creature must succeed at a Constitution saving throw or immediately take 3d6 + 5 points of Necrotic damage. Each subsequent hour, the creature must succeed at a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 + 5 points of Necrotic damage. This effect lasts for 12 hours or until the creature makes two successful saving throws in a row, whichever comes first. This is a poison effect.

Smoke Trap

This trap bellows out thick, choking smoke that fills the trapped square and all adjacent squares. Any breathing creature in these squares must succeed at a Constitution saving throws or take a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity every round it’s within the smoke and for 1d4+1 rounds after leaving the smoke. All sight, even darkvision, is ineffective in or through the smoke. The smoke lasts for 1 round per tier, and is dispersed by wind as fog cloud. The scout must use an alchemical component when setting the trap, such as a smokestick.


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Element 133 Class Feature
