Hyper-Intellect | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Hyper-Intellect - 33000 AXP

TIER SIX FEATURE: Hyper-Intellect

    • AXP: 33000
    • Pre-Requisites: Selected Smart Hero as base class or at least one Smart Hero feature from each tier 1-5.
    • Grants Access To: You may take the Technician, Medic, or Hustler class as a second base class for 20,000 AXP. You may not take more than two base classes.

With a brain like yours, everything is a problem that can be solved with a little more thought. When you take this feature you gain proficiency in Strength and Charisma saving throws. At 8th tier, you also gain proficiency in all other saving throws.

Additionally, you have begun to apply your skills to other proficiencies. You may elect to take the average of all of your current skill modifiers as a bonus to every skill that you do not have proficiency in.

Lastly, at any time if your Intelligence ability score becomes 30. You gain Auto-Success on all Intelligence skill checks, saving throws, and attack rolls.


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Element 133 Class Feature
