Wood Elf | Race/Species | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Wood Elf

Wood Elves are a tan-skinned race hailing from the tropical jungles of Torlos. Many Wood Elf tribes choose to follow a nomadic way of life, hunting and gathering their food. They are experts with life magic, using it to manipulate the growth of foliage to create shelter or to tame the beasts of the wild.
ability score increase: +1 CON, +2 WIS
age: Elves reach maturity around the age of 20 and live to the age of 300
alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Medium
speed: 35ft
Languages: Elvish
race features:
Expert Survivalist. Through the nomadic, hunter-gatherer culture of the Wood Elves, you are proficient in the survival skill.   Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.   Nomadic Lifestyle. You are proficient with the spear, sling, blowgun, and longbow.   Tool Proficiency. You are proficient with the tools of your choice: alchemist’s supplies, herbalism kit, or poisoner’s kit.   Whispers of the Woods. Wood Elves manipulate the growth of plants and trees to build their homes and cities. Once per long rest, you are able to manipulate the growth of plants to your will. This can be used to create temporary shelter, block off enemies, form a climbable ladder, and more. Alternatively, a 1st level spell slot may be expended to produce the same effect.

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