Master Manipulator | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Master Manipulator - 0 AXP

TIER ONE FEATURE: Master Manipulator

    • AXP: 0
    • Pre-Requisites: Selected Ravager as base class
    • Grants Access To: None

As you begin down the path of the Ravager you reflect and determine what sort of person you are and what your ultimate goals as an agitator are. There are three possible Vexatious Spirits you can have – The Flagellant Soul, the Discordant Soul, and the Spiteful Soul. You also gain additional bonuses from your Vexatious Spirit at tiers 3, 5, 7, and 9 at no extra AXP cost.

Flagellant Soul

You have determined that be it for self-hating reasons, to draw attention away from your allies, or for some other motive, you insult people because you want them to hate you.

Take the Heat

When you select this Vexatious Spirit you gain the following ability. As a reaction, when a creature attempts a melee attack against an ally within 10 feet of your Host or Thrall you can insult them to try to draw their attention. If they fail a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier, they will instead target your nearest avatar. You take half damage from the ensuing attack. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your tier between each long rest.

What Doesn’t Kill Me...

At the 3rd Tier, you learn to use your pain and the hatred others have of you to your advantage against your enemies. As your hit points decrease, you gain a series of bonuses and benefits that will aid you in your adventures. Between half and quarter total health, you can add half of your Charisma modifier (rounded up) to any roll against the last creature to deal you damage. At quarter total health and below, you can add the entire Charisma modifier to any roll against any creature who has damaged you in the past five minutes.

This effect does not last between encounters - when the last creature to hurt you has been killed, you stop gaining the benefits of having low health. You must regain at least half of your total hit points before this feature can be invoked again.

...Makes Us All Stronger

At the 5th Tier, you gain the ability to turn your foes’ hatred of you into buffs for your allies. When between half health and quarter health, as a bonus action, you can choose an ally to join in on trash-talking the creature who last damaged you. This ally has advantage on attacks against this creature, and the creature has disadvantage on any attacks against the ally. In addition, the ally can deal 3d4 extra psychic damage to their attacks. If you are at quarter health or below, all of your allies have advantage against the target creature. Additionally, you can choose two allies who will deal an additional 5d4 psychic damage to their attacks on their next turn.

Once the target creature you has been killed, the effects of this feature end. You must take a short or long rest before using this again.

Blood for Blood

At 7th tier, as a reaction your avatar may absorb half the damage that they took from any attack and reflect it back at your enemies. You may channel this damage into your next attack, or release it as a pulse as an action on your next turn. The damage type stays the same and the pulse automatically hits all creatures within 10 feet of your avatar with the damage divided equally among the targets. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier each day.


At the 9th tier, you gain the Martyr feature. You can espouse radical views contradicting those of your enemies, causing up to 2d4 creatures to target you and only you. The creatures must individually make Wisdom saving throws of a DC equal to your spell save DC. If they fail, they are compelled to attack you and nobody else. During this period, all attacks made against you have disadvantages. If an affected creature forces you to make a saving throw of any variety, you have advantage on it. You can take damage bringing you down to – but not below – 1 hit point, after which the effect ends (i.e., if you have 5 HP and are attacked for 13 HP, you will be brought to 1 HP and all buffs from the Martyr feature will end). Affected creatures may attempt the save again as a bonus action on their turn to end the effect early. On a success, they become immune to this feature for 24 hours. You must take two long rests before you can use this ability again.

Discordant Soul

Be it for personal or political reasons, or even if you just want to watch the world burn, you have decided that you insult people because you want them to fight amongst themselves.


When you select this Vexatious Spirit you gain the following ability. You can create a mind-altering induced Squabble between any two creatures of your choice. They must make a Charisma saving throw of a DC equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier. If they are allies they may use the higher of their two Charismas and gain advantage as one helps the other. If they are neutral they use the lower Charisma with no advantage. And if hostile towards each other they use the lower Charisma with disadvantage. Upon a failure, they will begin to fight amongst themselves rather than targeting you and your party. If the two creatures are allies they will stop attacking their partner once they take damage, regardless of the source. If they are neutral or hostile towards each other they will not stop until defeated, exhausted, or damaged by you or your allies.

You must take a long rest before using this feature again. You can use this feature twice at 3rd, three times at 5th, four times at 7th, and five times at 9th tiers. Additionally, with each upgrade, you can add an extra target to the squabble.

Force Ally

At the 3rd tier, you may use your skills of persuasion and dislike of your enemies to convince one creature to join your side. Make a contested Persuasion (Charisma) check against one target. If your roll is higher than their Wisdom ability score, then they will attack their peers until they can make a Wisdom saving throw matching or beating your Persuasion check roll.

Seed of Doubt

At the 5th tier, you gain the ability to plant a seed of doubt into your opponent’s mind. By convincing them that their allies are secretly conspiring against them, they begin to lash out at their teammates. Roll a contested Deception (Charisma) check against one target. If your roll is higher than their Wisdom saving throw. Their hostility level towards their peers is reduced by one level, Allies, Friendly, Neutral, Hostile. If they become hostile they will act against or attack their peers until they can make a Wisdom saving throw matching or beating your Deception roll. They may attempt this roll each long rest. You must take a long rest before you can use this ability again.

This ability may or may not affect the relationship between you, your allies, and the target creature. For example, they may still be hostile against you. But they also no longer trust their friends.

Incite Rage

At the 7th tier, you can target up to three humanoid creatures to induce a state of barbaric rage within them. They must each make a Charisma saving throw against a DC of 10 + your Charisma modifier to defend themselves. Upon a failure, their Intelligence and Wisdom ability scores are reduced to 6 and they become enraged, adding a +3 bonus to their attacks, and subtracting 1 from their AC. They choose any combat targets randomly, choosing between creatures in a room or area regardless of alignment. You must take a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Mob Violence

At the 9th tier, you gain the Mob Violence feature. Using your mastery of speechcraft, you compel a mob of 5d10 creatures to attack a single target. The Mob is directly under your control for as long as it exists and is controlled as a bonus action (i.e., you get your turn and then The Mob's turn). The Mob has a collective AC of 12 plus your Dexterity modifier and an HP equal to 3 times the total number of people in it. As The Mob is damaged, its members will slowly disperse, affecting the amount of damage it does. The Mob can take the following actions:

Pummel. Beats the target with their fists. Does an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 times the number of people in The Mob.
Torches and Pitchforks. Does 1d4 fire damage damage per person in the mob.
Power of the People. Attempts to intimidate the target by shouting their insults at them en masse. The target must pass a Wisdom saving throw of with a DC equal to the number of Mod members or become frightened of the mob. If the DC is greater than 2 times the max Wisdom save of the target then the target becomes petrified or feints, becoming incapacitated for 3 rounds.
Rallying Cry. Chant a motto to try to reel people back in after they left The Mob. Convinces 2d4 people to rejoin, effectively healing 3x(2d4). Max 50 Mob members.

Spiteful Soul

Perhaps you were scorned once and seek vengeance, or perhaps it’s out of sheer misanthropy, but you have decided that you insult people because you want them to hate themselves.


When you select this Vexatious Spirit you gain the following ability. You can pinpoint your enemy's emotional vulnerabilities and insecurities and mock them for it. Target one creature and force them to make a Charisma Saving throw of a DC equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier. If they fail, they take 3d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage against their next attack, and disadvantage on any attacks they make against you for the next 10 minutes. You must take a long rest before you can use this ability again.

Cat Got Your Tongue?

At the 3rd tier, you can use your charismatic ways to find one of your target's weaknesses and stun them with your knowledge and your cruelty. If your target fails a Charisma saving throw of a DC equal to 8 + your Charisma modifier, they take 2d6 psychic damage and are Stunned for 2 rounds or until they can pass their Charisma saving throw. If they succeed against your roll they take half damage and are not stunned. At 5th tier you can now affect an entire group of people you are fighting within a 10ft circle centered around you and now deal 4d6 psychic damage if they fail the roll. You must take a long rest before you can use this ability again.

Breaking Point

At the 5th tier, you beat your enemy down to the point where they are willing to hurt themselves. If they fail a Charisma saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier. They take 5d12 psychic damage and take the Terrified condition with the addition that they are willing to take actions that may harm themselves in their attempt to flee. They will not take actions that will lead to their death. If they succeed, they take half the damage and are not Incapacitated nor do they harm themselves. You must take a long rest before you can use this ability again.

Total Degradation

At the 9th tier you gain the Total Degradation feature. You can psychologically dismantle your foes piece by piece, leaving them a hollow shell of their former selves. Choose one target and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw of a DC equal to 12 + your Charisma modifier. If they fail, they take 10d6 psychic damage. They also lose their will to live and will refuse to fight back against any attacks, and become Incapacitated for 1D4 + 1 minutes. During this period, all attacks against the target have advantage. You must complete two long rests before you can use this feature again.


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Element 133 Class Feature
