Rip and Tear | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Rip and Tear - 8200 AXP


    • AXP: 8200
    • Pre-Requisites: Selected Bruiser as base class
    • Grants Access To: None

All forms of defense feel the effect of your onslaught. Whenever you successfully make two melee weapon attacks against the same creature on the same turn, the target receives a -1 penalty to their Armor Class. This only applies if the target posses a form of armor whether it be natural or otherwise. This penalty can stack, to a maximum penalty equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down. A creature with natural armor is no longer under the effect of this feature when they are healed to their hit point maximum. Magic armor is unaffected by this feature unless the weapon damage is also magical. Finally, this feature cannot reduce a target below 10 + the targets Dexterity modifier.


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Statblock Type

Element 133 Class Feature
