Dirty Fighting: Scrappy | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Dirty Fighting: Scrappy - 5600 AXP

TIER TWO FEATURE: Dirty Fighting: Scrappy

You’re gradually getting tougher as you progress up the scales of being a bruising basher. You start to shrug off hits easier. As an action, you can hype yourself up with a rudimentary gesture. This can be anything from slapping yourself on the cheeks, or screaming that you can beat whomever you’re fighting. Regardless, this action will give you Temporary HP equal to four times the amount of Grit Points you spend on it, the max amount you can spend being equal to your tier. You may use this feature 3 times per day.

Additionally, you start to get lighter on your feet. You gain proficiency in Acrobatics, and gain expertise if already proficient in it. And you can add 10 feet to your movement speed, and can Dash as a bonus action on your turn.

Dirty Fighting Techniques

You gain some Dirty Fighting Techniques when you choose this feature. These are added to the list of Dirty Fighting Techniques you can use.

Underhanded Punch

Use: 2 Grit, 1 Bonus Action; You can make a contested Sleight of Hand check against a creature’s Insight check; If you succeed, you get advantage on your next attack. You can choose to use it for any attack with your extra attacks.

Extended Attack

Use: 2 Grit; When you attack a creature, you can extend the range by 10 feet. This is comparable to a lunge with your weapon or fist, then backing away.


Use: 3 Grit, 1 Action; You make a grapple check against a creature with a +1 to your grapple check modifier. If you succeed, you can use your bonus action to slam them into the ground, making them fall prone and take 1d8 plus your Strength Modifier bludgeoning damage.


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Element 133 Class Feature
