Brawler | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Brawler - 2200 AXP


    • AXP: 2200
    • Pre-Requisites: Selected Bruiser, Specialist, or Scout as base class.
    • Grants Access To: None

The brawler is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter, when you take this feature you may add your proficiecy bonus to attack and damage rolls for unarmed attacks. In addition you gain the following abilities:

Stability. you are incredibly sure-footed. You gain a +4 bonus on all rolls made to resist being tripped, overrun, knocked prone, or pushed back by a bull rush attack.

Unhindered. you may treat any armor worn as one weight class lower in determining proficiency and disadvantages.


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Statblock Type

Element 133 Class Feature
