Lore DCs | Generic, Table | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Lore DCs

An example of how History check DCs are set for recalling lore.

DCType of KnowledgeExamples
10Common, known by at least a substantial minority of the local population.A local official’s hobbies and interests; common legends or rumors about a powerful place of mystery.
20Uncommon but available, known by only a few people in the area.The coordinates of an known but uncharted world; legends or rumors about a powerful psionic artifact.
25Obscure, known by few, hard to come by.The customs of a documented alien species; the true homeworld of an ancient royal dynasty.
30Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew it, possibly known only by those who don’t understand the knowledge’s significance.The most likely location of a long-lost pharaoh’s tomb; the history of a powerful artifact and its creator; the likely coordinates of a fabled but as-yet-undiscovered planet.

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
