Emergency Blanket | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Emergency Blanket - 9600 AXP

TIER THREE FEATURE: Emergency Blanket

    • AXP: 9600
    • Pre-Requisites: None
    • Grants Access To: None

You acquire a 10 x 10 foot nanotechnology emergency blanket. This blanket may be equipped as an action to protect one's self from harsh temperatures and grants you immunity from cold and fire damage while using it. The exterior can also be modified as a bright color visible in normal conditions from 1,000 feet away, or a camouflaged exterior that gives you a +10 on stealth checks while not moving or +5 while moving. You become vulnerable to lightning damage and cannot take any actions while the blanket is equipped as you must hold it over you.

Additionally as an action, you may trigger the ridged defense feature making any area or creature covered by the blanket immune to all physical damage. This seals the blanket around you sealing all air inside/outside. You have enough air to breathe equaling 1 + your Constitution modifier minutes. The blanket must be destroyed from the inside to open it. The blanket becomes unusable afterward.

You may repair the blanket after purchasing materials worth a value of 12 and spending a long rest to mend it.


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Statblock Type

Element 133 Class Feature
