Toxin Beams | Generic, Table | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Toxin Beams

Available atName and Effect
Tier 2Intoxicating Beam - This beam delivers a poisonous toxin, granting the enemy disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of their next turn.
Tier 3Paralytic Beam - This beam delivers a stiffening toxin, rendering an enemy completely unable to move for a period of time. The enemy must succeed a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save the enemy is paralyzed until the end of their next turn.
Tier 4Toxic Wall - This beam creates a 15ft line of poisonous gas that lasts for 1 minute. A creature that ends its turn within the cloud must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 poison damage and become stunned until the start of its next turn. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the cloud after 4 rounds. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per hour) disperses the cloud after 1 round.
Tier 5Rage Beam - This beam delivers a fury causing toxin. They must succeed a Wisdom saving throw, or the creature hit by this arrow will attack the closest creature with an attack of the DM's choice.
Tier 6Goodnight Beam - This beam delivers a sleep inducing toxin. Roll 2d6 x your tier. If the total of the roll is above the current health of the target, the target falls into a deep sleep for 1 minute, or until a creature performs the awaken action on it.

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
