Auto-Doc: Drone Fleet | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Auto-Doc: Drone Fleet - 11200 AXP

TIER FOUR FEATURE: Auto-Doc: Drone Fleet

You have created a fleet of drones equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you may spend any number of Hit Die during a Short Rest to rebuild drones up to your Intelligence modifier. Additionally, the AC of your drones is increased to 13 + your intelligence modifier.

At 6th tier, your drones gain the following benefits;

  • +5 feet of movement
  • +5 maximum Hit Points

At 8th tier, your drones gain the following benefits;

  • +10 feet of movement
  • +20 maximum Hit Points

At 10th tier, your drones gain the following benefits;


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Element 133 Class Feature
