Surgeon: Proper Surgery | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Surgeon: Proper Surgery - 5600 AXP

TIER TWO FEATURE: Surgeon: Proper Surgery

You have learned how to patch people up from the inside. You may perform surgery to examine a body, noting recent damage and any diseases or infections in their system. Upon succeeding a Medicine Check with DC 10, you may also heal the creature by 1d6 + Intelligence mod + Wisdom mod of hit points. At 4th tier, your healing increases to 2d6 + Intelligence mod + Wisdom mod. At 6th tier, it turns to 4d8 + Intelligence mod + Wisdom mod. At 8th tier, it turns to 6d10 + Intelligence mod + Wisdom mod. Surgery takes approximately 1 hour. If this was done during a short rest, the creature still gains the benefits from its hit die. The benefits from Eyes on Me have already been included in the healing amount.

If interupted you must make a Constitution Saving throw (DC 15 + any damage dealt to you). On a success the surgery is partially successful and the patient heals half the hit points they would have gained. On a failure the patient takes the dice roll (1d6, 2d6, 4d8, 6d10) as necrotic damage.


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Element 133 Class Feature
