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Feature Guide to Secrets

Secrets are a way to hide snippets of information from your readers in articles. A secret can be added to multiple articles, so they're useful to add repeating information too.


How to create a secret

To quickly view and create new secrets:


  1. In the left sidebar, Click on Advanced Tools and then on Secrets to open the side menu.
  2. Click the "+ Secret" button at the bottom.
  3. On the bottom right corner, give the secret a title and select which subscriber group should have access to it.
  4. Press Shift+Enter and write the secret's content.

Once the secret is created, it will appear in the side menu. If you need to write a secret while writing an article, you can do so straight from the green hammer button at the bottom right.


Add secrets to articles

If you know the secret's title, simply type an [ open square bracket followed by the title. Select it from the drop-down to embed it!


If you don't remember the secret's title:


  1. Click on Advanced Tools and then on Secrets to open the side menu.
  2. Find the secret you want to embed and click the copy button next to it.
  3. Paste in any article to embed the secret.

Edit secrets

When you edit a secret, the changes are reflected in all articles where it's embedded:

  1. Open the Secrets side menu.
  2. Find the secret you want to edit and click on it.
  3. Edit as desired and click "Save changes".

Use the "Related Article" field to make the secret appear under a specific article. Note that this will cause a "Secrets" tab to appear for everyone; people without access won't see the secret but they'll know there is a secret!


Delete secrets

Be careful: deleting a secret will also remove it from all articles it's embedded to and is irreversible; once it’s done, there’s no way to get it back.

  1. Open the Secrets side menu.
  2. Find the secret you want to edit and click the trash icon next to it.
  3. Click the checkmark icon.