The Mechanist's Log: Desert Rose by Kosuke | World Anvil

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Sat 24th Apr 2021 08:24

The Mechanist's Log: Desert Rose

by Artisan Kosuke Kobayashi

I lost my old journal, and my old schematics book. Aka Manto reduced them to ashes. I spent a long time in the palace of Shizune Hikari palace restoring the schematics. Aela and Seele finally have separate bodies thanks to her restorative healing. I also decided to learn medicine, as I came across a revelation. I am not just a mechanic looking to make monies. I am a solver of problems, and seeing my allies get injured, one expedition after another, became increasingly distressing. That is why I developed the stimulation delivery package, or "stimpack", to give them the means to stay standing so I can rest easy knowing I did my part.
After the destruction of a good portion of Reprieve, we were ordered to relocate to Desert Rose. I still miss my old home and its kitchen, but this should do for now. The environment reminds me of home, with the heat of the sun, and the sand on my feet. I also met two valuable individuals, Scarlet and Thorn Junior. Both are talented wizards with different specialties. The former is an adept of defense and utility, while the latter is a talented evocationist. I went to Scarlet to copy spells, due to her increased availability, and my newfound focus on keeping my allies alive. I even managed to get both of them to make commissions for supplementary gear. They have the wealth of nobility, making them valuable customers. This arrangement will be mutually beneficial.
Having changed my focus from overwhelming offense to defense and team support, I salvaged the Pile Bunker and the cartridges as it was unwieldly to operate with my new powered exoskeleton. With it, I could carry more weight, leading me to also salvage my old bracers to fit the exosuit with Tenshi armor plating, fit with an aerial mobility system that absorbs aetherical energy from the environment to recharge itself. Varis was right to commission Tenshi armor. Its tensile and yield strength rivals that of titanium.
What inspired me to create the powered exoskeleton was a speculative, if not unrealistic work that I dreamt of. It was a fourteen foot tall construct that I piloted, and despite its massive size, I could move as fluidly as if I were unarmored. It was as strong as it was massive, rivaling the power of a giant of similar size. I call it the "Ikaruga". I do not know of any way to sufficiently power that pipe dream of a project, but for now, the powered exoskeleton should suffice. I can sustain it with fusion cores that are easy enough to assemble each day.