2019-12-17 by Sivain | World Anvil

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by Sivain Collabris

I wake in complete darkness, bound by ropes, in a stone coffin. I'm able to work free of the ropes, but the air inside is limited and if I don't find a way out, I'm probably going to die. There's something not quite right about this, but it seems so
real at the same time, I'm not quite sure what to make of it.With the help of the sling Galveligh enchanted for me, I'm able to escape from the coffin, only to find myself in a small tunnel, just barely big enough for me to stand. Swarms of rats, spiders, and centipedes are released by hands coming out of the dirt. Since I'm unable to use my ranged weapons - and have no way to keep the swarms away from me - they quickly take me down.
As I wake up, I hear Medic trying to rouse me. I'm on the ground - haven't fallen out of bed in decades, so it's rather embarassing - and definitely not feeling well. Medic heals me, thankfully, and I get up and go for a walk. That ...dream... was more than a little unsettling.

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