Vignette 1.1 by Dahlia | World Anvil

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Sun 12th Jan 2020 10:56

Vignette 1.1

by Dahlia Di Mare

Dahlia searched her room for the map she knew that she had won from a game once. Finally finding it, she spread it out onto the table and weighted the corners with random trinkets.
Where should I go? Let's see...
Closing her eyes, she circled her finger around the map for a few seconds then touched the map. Opening her eyes, she removed her finger to see where she had pointed. The closest city to the location she had pointed to was a city called Alisar.
Alisar... hmmm.. I will have to travel by boat to get there but it is far enough. This is exciting!
Taking out a piece of paper and a quill, Dahlia began to write a letter to her brother.
Dear Tyrian,
I write this letter in farewell. I am off to Alisar to find treasure as I need the money. I did not want to burden you by asking for money so have decided to set off on my own. I will fix my debt! Please know that I will be safe but if I do not return, please know that I will always love you. I hope your business continues to grow.
All my love,

Folding the piece of paper in half, she wrote Tyrian's name on this and then placed it under on of the trinkets. Carefully rolling the map back up, she put this away into her backpack.
Now, what will I need... I will need food and water. A light source of some sort. Fire making materials....
She began to gather what she thought she would need. Things she didn't have she would have to content with not having.
Hopefully I will have enough gold to buy my passage to this new land. It will definitely be an adventure!
Grabbing all her things together, she took one last look around her room then made her way over to the docks.