The Journey Home by Axiom | World Anvil

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Fri 23rd Jun 2023 05:59

The Journey Home

by Axiom Hadrian Avner Foster

This story is about how i get out of the Hollow.
Maru, seeing the closed portal, turns and heads back to a building off in the distance. I follow him, he goes into the building, finds some people and starts yelling at them. I cannot hear him down here so tunnel up and create a small hole in the floor to listen in on what he says to them.
"... and furthermore, I encountered 3 powerful foes in that dimension, they found me fairly quickly, how did they manage to do that??"
Stammering one of the 5 others in the room tries to explain, but Maru isn't listening and slaps him down, silencing him. Ranting still further, he turns back to the gathered 5, "I will go back there again, but we need to make me stronger so I can repel the attackers. I've told you everything, now go find out how to make me more powerful!! He stalks out of the room.
Assuring himself that Maru is gone, Axiom comes out of the ground and approaches the 5 people. They all appear to be young, but ageless. He tells them who he is and that he was one responsible for thwarting Maru. They are shocked and surprised that someone has willingly come to the Hollow. He learns from them what the Hollow is all about.
Time seems to pass differently here in The Hollow than it does in the real world. Havrian spent what seemed like weeks convincing these portal experts of who he was and how he needed their help to return to his own time/world. They agreed to help him if he in turn would help them to get rid of Maru. Without much choice in the matter, he agreed.
He used those apparent weeks of time to learn about the portals and how they used machinery to create the right resonance to open the portals, he learned that even changing one aspect of the vibrations would send someone to the wrong plane. with a plan in his mind, he learned the tinkering's of the machines they had used in the past and fiddled with them, using his knowledge of mechanics, electronics and engines. With the 5 scientific specialists, he found out who they were and that they were from different planes of the multiverse. This he couldn't wrap his head around. But he trusted them.
Maru kept checking on them to see what progress they had made in further powering him up, they told him that by adding this slightly different variable vibration they would grant him 5x the power he'd had previously. He wanted more but eventually gave in to their request to test this new ability, if it was successful they could expand it.
Axiom remained underground whenever Maru was nearby. The machines were set up and placed in a specific ritual, he would later realize was a teleportation circle. They did the work and got everything in motion, underground with Maru's back to the one machine, Hadrian turned the knob another degree telekinetically. When all was in place and the machines were turned on. They opened up a portal, augmenting Maru's powers, he could feel the increase in his powers and crowed triumphantly. Just a he was growing accustomed to the rise in power, Hadrian grabbed him and threw him into the portal, away from the Hollow, but not to earth. Maru raged impotently from the other side as the portal closed on him.
Axiom appeared out of the ground and greeted the 5 portal specialists, they helped him reset everything to earth and helped him to get through to return home. He offered to help them more but they refused, saying he had done enough by ridding them of Maru.
He steps through the portal and arrives in Tokyo.
aftre some confusion surrounding his arrival, he is brought to IERA headquarters in Japan and finds out he's lost a week of time while in the Hollow. He is brought back Stateside and gives a full report/debriefing on the findings of the Hollow and Maru.