Korranberg Chronicles Vol. 1: Something on the Horizon by Cian | World Anvil

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15th – 21st of Erye, 999

Korranberg Chronicles Vol. 1: Something on the Horizon

by Cian Locklear

Hello, my wee darlings! It looks like your favorite blind columnist is off on another adventure and heading out of not only Zilargo but Khorvaire. I have hopped on to a lovely ship called the Xen'drik Express and we are going to sail across the Thunder Sea to Stormreach. That is right dears you read me right, I did say 'we'. I will not be traveling across the sea alone; a few other members of the Chronicle will be joining me as well. Now, why would we be going to the homeland of giants you ask? Well for the thrilling stories, the wonderful people, and the heart-racing adventure of course! Only the best for you.
Well, readers can you guess who one of the members from the Chronicle will be joining me out in the field for once? Your favorite cartoonist who is near and dear to all our hearts, Faron! Of course, like true Faron fashion while making our way to the Xen'drik Express she accidentally let me run into a tree due to what she claims was a very eye-catching bird that she just had to draw. I will let you be the judge of this bird dear readers for I have no doubt it will end up in one of her fantastic comics. Though how could we ever bear any ill will at Faron, you are right we cannot. She is truly a wonderful person and I for one am excited she will be joining us on this adventure.
However, my darlings it seems one of the members of the Chronicle could not wait before making their intentions known, let's call him Nathaniel*. We were barely into our second day of travel before Nathaniel ambushed me on the deck of the ship with a face-grabbing, jaw-dropping kiss. Naturally, Nathaniel ended up claiming it was a mistake in identity, that he did not mean to but, come on only one of us is blind. I believe that Mr. Nathaniel had one of those glorious twenty seconds of courage and decided to act on it before his nerves got the best of him. Though I will have to admit it was a genuinely nice kiss so we will see what the future will bring and if Nathaniel gets another twenty seconds of courage.
As for the other three traveling with sweet Faron and me, Damian*, Tabitha*, and Teagan*, I honestly can’t wait to get to know them better partially for my sake but more for you dear readers. What I do know though is that Teagan is not much for talking or should I say talking out loud. It is strange having someone connect with you mentally and share their inner voice with you, especially when you’re someone like me when hearing is your main sense. Tabitha has the most unusual yet dazzling silhouette I have seen throughout my travels by far. And her choice of companion is interesting, who knew hummingbirds could be so loud, but I guess when your wings are beating over a mile a minute you would be too. And for Damian, though he is new to the Chronicle apparently this isn’t the first paper he has worked for. However, he must be a hard worker staying up to the wee hours of the night and being utterly exhausted that it’s hard for him to wake up in the morning. Poor lad.
Now I could not end this article without telling you about a man I do have my eye on during this lovely ship ride. Another passenger on the ship, a wonderful knight of the Silver Flame, Gregory*. Oh, how I am beginning to look forward to my morning workouts with Gregory and definitely cannot wait to get to know him more. Though he is a bit of a tough nut to crack. Of course, you will be the first to know dear readers! Keep a lookout for my next column Xen’Drik Edition for more is sure to come. Until then my darlings!
*Names have been changed to either protect their identity or due to the lack of a Media Consent Release Form.

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  1. Korranberg Chronicles Vol. 1: Something on the Horizon
    15th – 21st of Erye, 999
  2. Korranberg Chronicles Vol. 2: Strength and Remembrance
    22nd – 28th of Erye, 999
  3. Korranberg Chronicles: Learning New Skills
    19th of Rhaan, 999
  4. Korranberg Chronicles: Cock Block by a Girallon
    26th of Rhaan, 999
  5. Korranberg Chronicles: Untamable Land
    5th of Sypheros, 999
  6. Korranberg Chronicles: Just a Feeling of Hiraeth
    12th of Sypheros, 999
  7. Korranberg Chronicles: Confessions and Contemplation
    19th of Sypherons, 999
  8. Korranberg Chronicles - Ends and New Beginnings
    26th of Sypherons, 999
  9. Korranberg Chronicles - Theatrics and Mothers
    5th of Aryth, 999