Milo & Ottis's New Adventure by Milo | World Anvil

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Thu 4th Jun 2020 11:14

Milo & Ottis's New Adventure

by Milo Tinder-Snap

Session #1
Traveling companions
The party has been hired by three traveling merchants to guard their caravan. The route being traveled is from Windham to Goldencrest than to denwick, so far we have been on the road for two days now.
Alex- (female) 25years old, sells trinkets and mechanic devices
Rupert - (male) trades in furs
Perceval- (male) elixirs, powders, and creams

We came to a shady intersection of the road so Talshar sent out his fox to see if any one or thing was laying in wait. As his fox sniffed around the area it was suddenly assaulted by a hail of arrows from goblins that were hiding in the near by brush. Lucky they all missed our furry little friend.

We engage these goblins in mortal combat, the battle started off well as the enlarged Trebor stroked one down with his deadly weapon. Tal Started to pray to his god asking for their divine help, when all of a sudden, the earth shook and plants lash out of the ground holding the goblins in places. I saw this and took advantage of it, charging forward with Otis, lance pointed down we struck a goblin impaling it as it went into its death throes. Soon after that the goblins started to run away fleeing into the forest, once again I took advantage of a sleeping goblin that was put in that state by the mythical air women named Trist. I strapped my manacles around its wrists and took it as our prisoner. Some of the others thought we should kill it but every creature should have its day in court even those who have committed horrible crimes. I ll have to keep an eye on those who disregard life so easily
We talked about pursuing the goblin ambusher that got away. Even our traveling companions thought it would be a good idea but they wanted to get to a town that was near first so we could head out without endangering them. So once we arrive at this town we will to come back the following day hunt down the goblins so they won’t hurt anyone else.

We arrived at Hildenberg with our captive goblin. We where met by our fellow guild mate and overseer, Warwrick. He informed us about something and where he would meet us next. Two of my companions found out that the villages are taken by a disease called muskrat sickness. The only known cure is taken from blue flake flowers, they asked us if we could help. Of course we agreed to help them, when ours are in need of help it is the duty of those able to offer a hand.
A farmer named Bruno Smothers had agreed to watch our goblin that I now have been calling Roach. However. He asked if we could help get rid of the wild dogs that are harassing his pigs. Although I agreed to this task my hope is to get them to leave without having to harm some animal that probably only found a good source of food.
While heading out we met a youthful hunter named Gancen who spoke to use about the wild dogs and asked if he could join us in our pursuit of them. He wanted to capture one for himself to see if he could tame it.
As we find a nice clearing for the pigs to graze, we are assaulted by these ferocious dogs we have heard about. The battle starts off with each side taking hits with Trebor killing one of the dogs. The dogs seem to be winning the battle when the mighty Tal lets loose with divine energy healing the injured pigs and our damaged companions. Osborn and I quickly team up to thwart the dogs which helps us turn the tide. Eventually we win the battle and capture a dog for our new friend.

We head back to town to lick our wounds. I decided to stop by Zelda Tiller and see if she can lead us any aid. She gave us 6 vials of juice, which we thank her for (potion of cure light wounds).
As I head over to the group to share with them the gift that Zelda has given us I bump into Warrick who has taken command of Roach (goblin). Warrick tells me that he is taking him to a near by town to be judged, I tell Warrick to hold on to my fine manacles.
After handing out the potions we head out once more, this time in search of blue flower flakes To restore the sick villagers.
After an hour of travel we come to a lost shrine In the middle of the forest. Osborn looks it over and determined that it is not trapped, hearing this Tal says we should remove the vines that cover it and touch the magical orb the shrine is holding. I advised against this as we are not sure what god or even what this orb does, all we know is it is a nature god. Luckily for us the God was o good nature and bestowed great favor upon us (4 hero points).
We once agin head off looking for the blue flower flakes, and once again we don’t find them. However we bump into four gnomes named Gurble Tingledorf, Dookal Flink, Babu Fury and Cullen Finnder. They tell us that they can lead us to we’re the flowers grow. On the way we encounter several viscous spiders however, we are able to deal with them quite easily.

Session 3#
After defeating the spiders we continue on our way. As we march forward we spot a lifeless Gnome laying in some brush. Tal quickly runs over discovering he is no longer alive. The other Gnomes recognize him as Nivin Joms. They tell us that he was part of a meeting of the three Gnome villages that are near by. The meeting was to take place in village of toadstool flat. We retrieve the body and head on ward. Party travels on and later finds the blue flake flowers.
After finally finding the flowers we split from the gnome and head back to town. Tealdor notices he is still holding one of the dead Gnomes pouch’s. The pouch is found to have 30 magic bullets and the party (besides Osborn) decides to find a way to return them to the gmones.
The party returns back to town and heals the sick people with the help of Zelda. During which Milo goes to talk to Farmer Bruno and is told to speak to either Jensen or Zelda about finding the Gnome villages. Zelda tells him Jensen will be able to help. Milo leaves a note for him with Farmer Bruno (And I think the bullets as well).
The party heads off to find the goblins as Osborn whines about having to help everyone. After camping out for the night Ottis is able to pick up the scent of the Goblins.

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  1. Milo & Ottis's New Adventure