The Adventures of Kanénas The Plight of Phandalin (First Draft) by Kanénas | World Anvil

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Tue 22nd Mar 2022 12:51

The Adventures of Kanénas The Plight of Phandalin (First Draft)

by Kanénas

May this work hold a fragment of the Metatext; praise be to Denir the lord of language

I arrived in the town of Phandalin today along with a train of many hopeful individuals. I was hired along with several other adventurers to aid the town of Pandalin. Senric, the “leader” of our group has been a complete and utter prick, though a useful one. Once in Phandalin I met one of the Adventurers, Sir Nessbit. He seemed to be in deep grief over the loss of his companion Bright Song. My keen senses led me to gain his trust and to commensurate with his loss. Following the lure of destiny I met his companions along with a strange tiefling cleric looking for one of the lost companions. After quickly gaining the groups trust through my roguish charms. They told me of their plight, their lost friends and how they were hunting down the white dragon. After getting to know each other we went to take care of their weird basement but little did we know that a cycloptic abomination and its pet spectator had taken up residents down there.
The Cycloptic aberration the Nothic sicked his pet Spectator; a beholder kin, after the party. The spectator turned its eyes on the monk Jareth and struck him dumb for a moment. Fortunately he was harder than the creature thought and rose with a pale expression on its face. We quickly fled down the secret passage so that we would not die by its creepy gaze. After escaping the tunnel I hid myself next to the door and readied myself to attack the creature as my companions doddled in the passage. Then a strange beauty came out of nowhere and charged into the passage. Only to find that the monk and paladin slayed the creature with their holy powers. We then charged forward my self and the dragonborn paladin jumped into the crevasse and with the assistance of the strange woman Kelly we slew the Nothic
Afterwards I found a chast and went to it for traps. After quickly checking it over I discovered some small amount of treasure inside. But what drew my eye the most was five small malachite stones that seemed to call out to me. Promising power. And strength when I was ready. But when I returned I found a strange ghostly hand had appeared out from deeper within the crevasse warning us of danger and doom.
After leaving the mansion the group quickly convened to discuss their next move. They decided on a course of action starting with a quest to retrieve an amulet, finding a dragon slaying sword and ending with revenge. By the slaying of the orcs that killed their companions. After quickly dealing with a few matters in town. Such as Senric and his place in the town. I went off to investigate the barrow but discovered very little. After leaving town we hiked for hours before settling down for the night. But as I and the Monk Jareth kept watch The rumored white dragon swept down to devour us. But with some quick spellcasting by the tiefling cleric Ozmus we were able to delay the creature. My self and the Dwarven Ranger Torgan fired off many and arrow and bolt at the beast driving it away in fear for its life.

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  1. The Adventures of Kanénas The Plight of Phandalin (First Draft)